‘No Way To Prevent This,’ Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens - Gun Violence in America

I think Ben Shapiro produced this movie. Or had something to do with it.






JFC people





I honestly don’t know what to say about this. I get that this movie is crass and distasteful, but at some point, our culture should make pop art that’s reflecting America’s gun crisis and the lived experience of students? I really don’t know.

Forgot about those guys. That happened a few months before my first time in Japan and the incident dominated the news for years afterward.

Speaking of shootings and news in Japan, any time there is even a single shooting in Japan it is a major national news story because it happens so infrequently.

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Ramos exchanged gunfire with an armed school district officer outside the school, before getting past him, and two Uvalde police officers who were hit as they tried to gain access to the classroom he entered, according to the Department of Public Safety.

Members of an elite Border Patrol tactical team known as Bortac, short for Border Patrol tactical unit, responded to the shooting but couldn’t get into the classroom because of a steel door and cinder block construction, according to officials familiar with the investigation. Meanwhile, the gunman shot at them and other responding officers through the door and walls.

Bortac members were able to enter the room after getting a master key from the principal, according to the officials. One Bortac agent’s shield was hit by rounds upon entering and a second agent was wounded by shrapnel. A third killed the suspect.

Inside, authorities found dead children in multiple piles, according to the officials.

Who would have thought - all this building classrooms to lock up like fortresses can work the other way.

Sounds like the cops did try to engage him once he was in the classroom, and some of those cops were fairly heroic to charge at him with a shield.



Yesterday was supposed to be the season finale of FBI. CBS pulled it because the episode was about a school shooting.


Anything short of a nationwide assault rifle buyback is a cowardly half measure. Full stop.


If Dems were an effective party, they would put bill after bill up, non-stop and make Republicans filibuster every single one of them.




That‘s Switzerland

I’m a bit ashamed to say this, especially since the victims are so young, but this is easily in the top 100 of funniest **** I’ve ever seen. :confused:

Ballistic Blankets and Jesus though …

Build a wall and make the shooters pay for it.


300000! Bonkers!

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And I think this way undercuts it tbh. If half my friends went to school b while I attend school A, I’ll be fucked up if there is a shooting at school B.

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Lol Schumer explicitly said he’s not even going to try to do anything. It’s legit hopeless. This will happen again on repeat.

Would it even be possible for Cali GOAT to institute serious border controls and try?