‘No Way To Prevent This,’ Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens - Gun Violence in America

At least in Florida they mildly inconvenienced the school cop at Parkland High for a while before he was allowed to retire with full pension and bennies so :crossed_fingers:

note this is the playbook they use for getting food stamps, WIC, TANF, etc


Man I know we all know this but republicans are straight up fucking evil and all the fucking contempt in the world for assholes like Joe “man we used to be able to have lunch with the segregationists” Biden.

(Jeff Tedrich Tweet) holy fucking shit, what kind of shithole political party wants to compromise with the ok to murder kids party

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Modeled after the TX abortion law. I wonder which one SCOTUS will find unconstitutional?



Cops are bastards…

But I find it hard to judge someone who doesnt go up against a psycho with an assault rifle, especially in split second decisions. These guns are fucking terrifying.

The whole “put armed people in schools” idea is ludicrous exactly because it’s too much to ask.

Edit. Framing this as a personal failure by the specific cops involved concedes that it IS possible to stop them with an armed cop. You just need the right one.


Yah agree that “person responsible for pre-murdering mass murderers” is a pretty shitty job description that nobody should have.


we need precog rando-Ritts

But that‘s how they justify their high pay, their special privileges and carte blanche to shoot civilians. Can‘t have it both ways.


I think gun makers have tons of protections, so this would be new method to hold them accountable.

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Seeing a few things about how multiple cops shot and injured by the shooter.

Might not be true, but I wouldn’t be shitting on those guys right now.

They cant have it both ways. But we need to be clear on the reality. I.e. that it wont work, not just try and point out the inconsistency.

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Can confirm that Japan has no shortage of raging nut bags. But no guns and thus, no mass shootings.


he told her that a package had arrived from an online order and sent her a picture of a large cardboard box that he later said contained ammunition that would expand on impact


Mr. Ramos’s grandmother survived and called the police as he headed for Robb Elementary School, less than a mile away, and began shooting students and teachers inside a fourth-grade classroom.

This is an important detail. The cops knew he had shot his grandmother and his plans. The school security guard didn’t, I’m assuming.

Cece said that Mr. Ramos, in their previous conversations, had suggested that he had a poor relationship with both his mother and his grandmother and that he had previously punched his older sister, kicked his grandmother and shoved an ex-girlfriend.

If only there were signs.

I was just assured on Facebook that one time a guy took a “samari sword into an Elementary school in Japan” which I’m no sword nor gun expert but I assume the sword and an AR-15 are basically the same thing. I heard they keep those things sharp.

Look, awful mass killings have taken place in Japan. A few years ago a lunatic took a knife into a mental hospital and killed a bunch of sleeping patients. There have been numerous other knife slashing incidents. The arsonist at the Kyoto manga studio. People driving their cars into crowds of people.

And in each of these cases, many innocent people have died.

But…if guns were is available here as they are in the US, there’s no question in my mind that these types of events would be far more numerous and far more people would be killed as a result.


Just a doomsday cult that executed a few chemical weapons attacks as an attempted false flag operation to draw the world into nuclear war!

Aum Shinrikyo is a crazy story. Just a post to bring it up because of how crazy that story is.

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Not only do we glorify gun culture in the US, but we actually make movies about school shooter scenarios, because that’s how just totally normal this stuff is guys. No way a movie like that could possibly exist you say?


One reviewer accurately sums up some of my thoughts on this:

“So somebody somewhere one day had a thought: “What if ‘Die Hard’ except a school shooting?” and not only didn’t they immediately check themselves for other symptoms of lead poisoning but thought, “Yep, that’s a winner.”

Probably not the worst Die Hard ripoff tbh
