‘No Way To Prevent This,’ Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens - Gun Violence in America

The onion right now:


Can’t see that on the New York Posts site at the moment but it’s not beyond Murdoch trash papers to get ahead of themselves and publish something inflamatory that turns out the be the complete opposite of the truth…


I did see this on there though.

For your run-of-the-mill murders, it’s almost all handguns. Hunting rifles (actual hunting rifes, not miltary-style semiautomatics) are basically never used in murders.

I swear they had one something to the effect of “Onion editor responsible for reposting ‘No way to prevent this’ article after mass shootings resigns from exhaustion”.

my plan would be something like:

Phase I:
semiautomatics: outlawed
handguns: extremely tightly regulated, mandatory registration and insurance, high taxes, annual inspection, criminal penalties for (e.g) not reporting loss or theft etc, limited to revolvers and possibly other low-capacity models
Actual hunting rifles: much looser regulation, bolt-action or similar only. No semiautomatics at all.

Phase II: grab all remaining guns


No worries. It was quite shocking, though. As late as Friday he was posting about one of his daughter’s gymnastics wins last week.

I think a big difference between things like this and the mass shootings is that there is likely no politics involved, and it truly IS a mental health issue. The family-killers don’t really post manifestos or troll 4chan or become radicalized. It’s often untreated (or off-med) BPD or something else. Which of course means that the media can’t sensationalize it as much as it can with these politically-driven shootngs.

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Ban all fucking guns.

Sorry if you want to dress up in camo and hide in the woods and shoot deer and shit. Sorry if you like taking your boom boom stick to the dicknard club and pew pew targets. Lots of other fun time hobbies out there.

Ban them all, and if we really absolutely need some, mandate that they all be shaped like penises and make male ejaculation sounds when touched.


If it was a hostage situation this makes sense. If not holy crap.

Oh good


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bowhunting is a thing!


Just keeps getting worse



We’re sort of at a critical impasse. You could in theory imagine a kind of compromise where we ban ARs and high-cap mags, but the NRA has firmly ensconced the idea in the law that any incremental gun reform is an attack on the 2A.

There’s basically no lane to be a mushy centrist on guns anymore (which is where I’ve been most of my life). Repeal of the 2A seems like the only viable path to reducing school shootings.

idk how this play out politically. 80%+ of America would like more gun control, how many will agree to a 2A repeal if that’s the only possible route?


He was a juvenile and in a “gun-free school zone”. Otherwise it’s Texas. No big thing. Encouraged in a way.


They did do mandatory gun registration in Canada for a while (15ish years) but the system was a complete mess.

Kinder eggs cannot have toys inside because it is too dangerous for children
An 18 year old can buy an assault rifle and unlimited ammo, who is to say why!


Restraint isn’t always the best option sir.

They can’t legally buy alcohol or cigarettes until age 21, but assault rifles are fine.

good. make it as onerous as possible and put all the onus on the gun owner. if they don’t comply lock em up.