‘No Way To Prevent This,’ Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens - Gun Violence in America

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It’s not like this is some complex theoretical thing. It’s a solved problem. We do not have to make mental illness magically disappear or get everyone “treated” (hint, there aren’t real treatments for many conditions). That’s impossible.

While banning guns would be great, I understand they are tools for some in rural areas. Someone needs to propose a detailed law with serious federal restrictions. Reintroduce the assault weapons ban but make it 3x stricter and cover more weapons. I don’t care about recreation. People can go bowling instead. We somehow managed to eliminate the scourge of lawn darts, and some lawn dart throwers were presumably mentally ill or from broken homes.

Confirmed no single moms anywhere else in the world


Also this




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If you want to own a murder machine you are mentally ill by definition.


“The true threat to our democracy is that someone leaked the draft opinion in Dobbs.” Republicans test a bunch of messages and then settle on the top 1 or 2 that works best for them. Fox is a big part of this. The message you quote is likely a loser. They do this pretty quickly. It’s like seeing a system settle down into a steady state.


The Beto thing is good. More of this too. Have to keep it up for more than one news cycle.


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[quote=“Huehuecoyotl, post:3925, topic:103”]

Instead, the gun rights ideologue argues, the responsibility for public safety falls in the hands of individuals: the “good guy with a gun.” If well-intentioned armed individuals are everywhere, then they can gun down evildoers in the act. Armed citizens supplement the police — and, in some life-and-death situations, replace them entirely.

The research on this theory is not promising. Concealed carry laws do not appear to significantly reduce homicides or other violent crimes; placing armed guards in schools does not protect them from mass shootings. In fact, one study found that schools with armed guards were more likely to have a higher death toll during a mass shooting.

Texas has three mass shootings of 20+ deaths in the last 5 years alone

A real red-letter day for good guys with guns

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Cop lives are more important that the lives of kids. Cops are good at stopping unarmed people with deadly violence, not so good when it comes to stopping actual armed shooters.

Jfc. Some non zero percent of mass shooters come from one parent homes?! Wow that’s crazy. You know what thread literally 100% of mass shooters have in common? Access to guns, you dumb mother fucker. I have no solution for this problem, but it seems important.

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Needs more. How about a follow up when he says nothing?

“Senator, why are you such a coward, that you can’t engage the members of the press on a simple question?”


I’ve started to think about gun owners as all potentially the next Kyler Rittenhouse or Proud Boy/insurrectionist. They want to personally execute you for protesting white supremacy and they’re just waiting for Trump to give them the order to violently overthrow the government and start shooting democrats.

There’s just too many gun owners and gun for this to be true or at least as much is true of the average person in America. Merely having a gun doesn’t make anyone an insurrectionist, etc. The availability of guns means there’s a huge range of reasons why people own guns. A bit like racists and republicans, not every gun owner is an insurrectionist macho I am the law person, but every one of those persons is a gun owner.




the overton window has shifted so far to the right on guns - we went from “should assault rifles be illegal” in the 90s to “should an 18 year old have to submit to a background check before he buys 3 AR-15s and 1000 rounds of ammo?” we need someone to come along and shift the window to the left on this issue the same way Bernie did on a lot of economic issues because as long as the starting point is “background checks plz” we are never going to get anywhere

It seems like most on this site are in favour of the legality of some guns for people who pass background checks etc. Granted I’m not American (and this is like a significant contextual consideration) but that is really shocking to me. I mean I imagine most murders in America, not mass murders, are committed with your standard pistol (a more benign killing machine) or hunting rifle or whatever. And, that any type of gun being legal costs way more lives than it saves.