‘No Way To Prevent This,’ Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens - Gun Violence in America

I’m not sure Republicans even favor restricting gun sales to people with known mental health issues.


Looks like we’re in the workshopping talking points to see what sticks phase.

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And yet that stuff exists in lots of other places where this stuff doesn’t happen. It’s the easy access to guns. Period.

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I agree easy access to guns is the root of the problem. I’m just saying once it happens, they seem to come in bunches. Like this kid might have been inspired to finally go through with it by the Buffalo shooter live stream - which I’m sure can be downloaded on 4chan.

These guys feed off each other. This kid was texting some girl who barely knew him that he must have had a crush on, hinting at what he was going to do. They want to impress someone.

Fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you greg abbot

Nothing is going to get done. Nothing is ever going to get done.

I’m with Bruce Z. Let’s fucking go.




Beto is the sick son of a bitch. Of course.

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I debated even posting this. Spoiled because this is a motherfucker of all hate reads:

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Yeah the twitter bots seem to be spewing “How can we spend $40B on Ukraine when we should be arming the schools?” at the moment.

It’s perfect for them because what they really care about is turning public sentiment against Ukraine. It has absolutely nothing to do with school shootings except as a convenient hot-button vehicle.

Hey they had to click twice

STONKS (S&P 500 up 0.5% for reference)



I actually think there is an indirect link there.

I think the US being over militarized is the biggest root of the problem. We need to demilitarize and hand off some of that brute power to our allies.

“Liberals voted to get cops out of schools” is the other big talking point being tested on twitter today.

There should be a predictit market where you can bet on which talking point will stick. It usually takes a couple days after something like this to find out.

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Guy at one of my tables today had a shirt on that had two guns and said “2A ALL DAY”. Took an immense amount of restraint to not say something. Fucking psychos.

So far we’ve got homeschooling, bear traps, faith, and giving elementary teachers guns. Excited to see what’s next.

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This is a good article

Gun rights ideology makes the United States vulnerable in exactly the way the USIP has observed in post-conflict societies. When guns are everywhere, the people who own them become capable of enacting violence in the manner of their choosing.

It is easy for terrorists and mass shooters to slaughter at their discretion; the same goes for gang members and abusive spouses. The state cannot check them more or less by design. If the government could adequately restrict gun ownership, according to the gun rights ideology, then liberty would be insecure.

Instead, the gun rights ideologue argues, the responsibility for public safety falls in the hands of individuals: the “good guy with a gun.” If well-intentioned armed individuals are everywhere, then they can gun down evildoers in the act. Armed citizens supplement the police — and, in some life-and-death situations, replace them entirely.

The research on this theory is not promising. Concealed carry laws do not appear to significantly reduce homicides or other violent crimes; placing armed guards in schools does not protect them from mass shootings. In fact, one study found that schools with armed guards were more likely to have a higher death toll during a mass shooting.

What the omnipresence of firearms does instead is create a society governed by fear: a country where violence could break out at any time, forcing all of us to reshape our lives accordingly. Schools, which should be places of learning and play, become fortresses equipped with metal detectors. Students are forced to engage in scarring active shooter drills; posting armed guards in schools reinforces their fear and may inhibit learning.

Gun rights ideology requires that America double down on this fearful vision — even after an event like the Uvalde mass shooting proves its limits.