‘No Way To Prevent This,’ Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens - Gun Violence in America

Of course the law-abiding aspect isn’t the only thing here, there’s also the mental health aspect that could make this preventable, but it never actually happens because the system sucks. It feels like with half of these shootings there’s a story about multiple acquaintances seeing the warning signs, sometimes even going to the cops, only to be shrugged at and told to come back when there’s evidence of a crime or whatever. And professional help is expensive and hard to come by in the USA#87 health care system.

People have extremely different reactions to domestic violence if they see video it instead of read about it. Same with a personal, zoomed in video of war deaths happening versus 30,000 feet up from it

People think of shootings as surgical thanks to Hollywood. Maybe people really need to see it’s anything but. Bullets often more like grenades than needles

Yes, there can still be an impact on the margins. Anything you do to make guns somewhat less attainable could hypothetically prevent a future event.

We don’t need to hypothesize about what works. Japan, Australia, Scotland and many other countries have already solved this problem. And while I’m all for confiscation, it’s not required. Take away handguns and automatic weapons, add real background checks and waiting periods, require registration and insurance, etc.


They don’t care. They will defend it. They always have, and always will. Showing them 5 or 19 or 298239583252 pictures of murdered children won’t move the needle. The gun fetishists aren’t decent, sane people that just haven’t been confronted with the one sparkling logical gotcha that will make them finally see the light. They are mentally ill, they are dangerous, and they have won.

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Peru and Ghana and India and Japan and Finland etc…have their nut bags too. They don’t have mass shootings like USA#1 does. It’s guns not mental health.

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No I hear ya, but it’s just another potential failsafe that might stop a couple of these shootings, that doesn’t work in this country either. It sucks.

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Something like a well regulated militia?

The Onion replied to its own tweet here with all the other times it’s used this headline (spoilers: it’s a lot).


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Sounds a lot like me at that age. I’ve had a fond appreciation for horror movies since I was young. I was terrified of Chuckie when I was little after stumbling on my dad watching it one night. My mom had a frank chat about what movies are, how they are make believe, and how they are made, so I was determined once I got a bit older to understand why Chuckie scared me so, and to really understand how his creation worked. Since that point, ive been really into horror movies, specifically the practical effects that go into blood and gore.

I abhor violence in the real world, but simulated, artistic violence and gore can be both beautiful and plot important.

Having a healthy understanding of the differences between fantasy and reality are paramount to this though

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Why not go all in on enforcing the laws that currently exist, background checks, and mental health?

Mental health being the primary focus. Whatever is wrong is much more deeply seated than just whether or not a gun is available.

I think it’s much more tied into the role America has played as the world’s police. Makes sense on many levels.

Supporting absolute removal of guns with Trumpler on the horizon is insanity.

Here’s a picture of one of the victims

People like to lie to themselves so they can feel better after these kind of events. They say things like “she’s in a better place now.” The truth is she has been destroyed and she is no place at all. And before that she died a violent, frightening, painful and completely preventable death. All because some grown men don’t want to give up their toys.


Pain in the ass to uae too. Hard enough to hit a moving target in the game. Even harder to have to target them for like 3 full seconds.


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every dipshit politician who has ever said that joe/kamala/whoever must go to the border to see things for themselves should be forced to go to this town and see these bodies in the morgue. Every one of them. Not that it would make any difference in the outcome, but it would at least make them uncomfortable for a few minutes.


Not to give Republicans any ammunition, but toxic social media, live streaming, and sites like 4chan amplifying killers seems to be playing a role in making all this stuff worse.

There were good kids on both sides. Also those kids weren’t angels, well maybe they are now

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Right, and democrats intentionally only put it into law for 10 years because of course they did. Thats right, they passed a law that repealed itself after 10 years.


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