‘No Way To Prevent This,’ Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens - Gun Violence in America

It’s not my intent to criticize anyone’s parenting. I just don’t see how it’s possible to engage in the consumption of media that we do as a society and not have that impact people. The normalization of all kinds of violence in media doesn’t lead directly to more violence, but the idea that it doesn’t help create the environment where violence is normalized seems off. And so yeah, I think the uncomfortable truth is that media consumption by everyone does play a role and so maybe parents shouldn’t be normalizing weapons. That said … I don’t mean to be the “you continue to participate in society?” asshole, I just think we have to look it squarely and honestly and admit we’re all a part of this.

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I don’t have kids and I’ve never been a fan of fps or violent video games, but I think there’s a pretty large gap between playing a video game with your kid and taking them to shoot real guns. A good parent can play a game with their kid while teaching them the horrors and dangers of guns in real life. A good parent cannot teach and encourage their child to actually use guns in real life.

The railgun was just reintroduced into Fortnite, so I’ll be sure to tell my kids not to buy one for real. They can pickaxe buildings if they want, though, as the materials might come in handy.


No clue what that is (assuming its not a real thing?), but I trust your ability to be a good father.

Yeah, it was just a joke. It’s a crazy, space-tech-type weapon. :grinning:

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Imagine being a parent having to go home to that empty kid’s bedroom.


I’ve stopped reading about the tragedy. Some of the descriptions of what’s happening/has happened are just too much.





Btw I don’t mean this as an attack on anyone. Beyond getting as many rabidly anti gun people as possible into positions of power the how is irrelevant. People who want to get it done will get it done.


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To me this is the best explanation I can think of for why we just need to make guns illegal. The #1 response from all pro-gun people is “Well think of all of the law abiding gun owners out there, why should they have their rights taken away?”

This young man was a law abiding gun owner… Until he wasn’t. Up until he fired his first shot at an innocent target, he was a 100% law abiding gun owner who we had no reason or recourse to remove that right from him.

The fact that these weapons can inflict such harm and pain with such a tiny window to react is why they must be made illegal.




Beyond the obvious insanity of retrofitting every school to be more like a prison, and how that affects 100% of students,

The shooter WAS trapped in a room. He killed everyone in that room.

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Yeah, but the kids in the room next door were saved!



This. I want the guns gone. I don’t care if we have buybacks, confiscations, 1000 ruby ridges or anything it takes.

Can’t imagine a line to tell parents their kid has died. I remember each of my kid deaths vividly. They’ve varied between relief that the suffering ended to the more typical grief ridden screams to me holding myself screaming murder at a parent.

Everyone involved will never be the same.


This is the only thing I can think of that might have any impact whatsoever.

Hold a State of the Union with all members of Congress in attendance and hold up pictures of any children murdered by gun violence. Force everybody in attendance and everybody watching around the nation to confront head on what this actually looks like and try and defend it.