‘No Way To Prevent This,’ Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens - Gun Violence in America


Also Gab, Telegram etc.

The best part is these nut jobs claiming “the media took down the manifesto because it shows it was a liberal!”

Or maybe because it’s a step by step guide on how to commit a mass shooting?

Literal groomers.


Tomorrow is probably going to blow away their previous best sales day. I hope they’re ready for all the orders!


John Morales, who lives next-door to Ramos’ paternal grandmother, told The Daily Beast that the teen used to play the first-person shooter game Call of Duty with Morales’ 15-year-old son. But he said he had not seen Ramos around the neighborhood for quite some time.

Time to talk about video games.


ugh, this is like porn for the 4chan incel sociopaths.


Of course it is.

Speaking of the “everyday” violence, I also just found out that a skydiver I used to know (and interacted with a lot on the skydiving forum I used to frequent) killed himself and his whole family in a murder-suicide yesterday. No warning, no indications. Just shot them all with the guns he owned, then himself.

I’m just numb.



Onion basically out of content at this point I think

There were 27 school shootings with injuries or deaths this year.

Record pace? :disappointed_relieved:

I am halfway to Las Vegas and checked into my hotel expecting 200 more posts in About Moderation since the last time I checked the forum. Instead, it’s this fucking thread and I wish it was just forum drama.

Republicans freaked out over protests outside of the houses of Supreme Court justices? How about angry mobs protesting outside the homes of any members of Congress who vote against gun control? Make them live in fear that something might happen to them or their families.

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There’s only one actual solution to this: make guns illegal. Second best solution is to make most guns illegal for most people. It’s actually one of the simplist public policy issues there is. Forget background checks, waiting periods, more security, “improved mental health” (lol), metal detectors, etc. SCt says you can’t outlaw guns under the 2nd amendment? Repeal the second amendment.

Gun violence is a choice.


Supreme Court ruled officers have no duty to protect anyone

Not that it makes it any better, but I believe it’s more like nobody used to report and catalog the shootings occurring at schools where it was just one person shooting one other person, for variety of reasons like gang activity or personal grudge or whatever

Yeah these family obliterations at the hands of the father or oldest son, where it’s the entire family that dies, happen like 20 times a year at least for like 100 years now

They’re way lower per capita in places where you’d have to use a knife or other weapon

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Oh I’m really sorry, I was scrolling up through the thread instead of down, and missed that you had a personal connection. Really sorry


Alice in that tweet had a lot of good things to say in other threads, that were the kinds of things most people don’t usually think about, as usual

Excellent follow for anyone

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It’s not like the shooter had any shoplifted Pokemon cards on him, so you really shouldn’t be asking the cops to use effective lethal force on him


The fact that he crashed his truck (picture in that article) that badly while being chased and was still able to get out, get his guns, and make it to the school without being stopped is an utter failure of law enforcement. What the fuck. Good guy with a gun my mother fucking ass. I wonder if he would have made if he was black.