‘No Way To Prevent This,’ Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens - Gun Violence in America

Jfc this is one of the most horrifyingly heartbreaking things I’ve ever read :(


How many shooters out of the last ~10 have cited 4chan/8chan in their manifestos? All of them?

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The NYAG was “investigating” these sites after the last fucking shooting that just happened. Let’s just shut them off until we can figure out what the hell is going on.

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It should be noted that 8chan was founded because 4chan pushed back like, 5% against child porn/the absolute worst stuff on the site.

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19 kids

i watched my sister lose a fucking child this year, who was effectively dead as of thanksgiving evening, we all knew she was dead, but doctors had to do tests for weeks to officially cover their asses and declare the dead. jesus fucking christ the lack of empathy of the system is insane. burn it down. please. fuck this, i am so despondent anymore. I cant imagine 19 sets of parents or whatever dealing with a similar thing right now in such a public fashion. my god.



Came here to post this. Most cogent and well-reasoned response I’ve read from a Republican so far, so he has that going for him.

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In case anyone is wondering who their aunt believes is the shooter.




fucking hell


I also can’t wait until where we arrived with at Sandy Hook, where tens(?) of thousands of people believed it was a “false flag” event or the kids were paid actors or whatever the fuck the conspiracies were.

That probably won’t happen here because it’s not white people. They don’t need the ridiculous conspiracy to alleviate the cognitive dissonance that it could happen to their kid.

They’ll just forget about it in a week or two.

Very interested to find out wtf the original officers did. They just let the dude go inside? Their bullets just bounce off him? Stormtrooper aim?

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Yeah seriously. I’m sure the cops will be very forthcoming in their investigation of their own actions or lack thereof.


So bullets bouncing off the shooter is ruled out.

Soooo they either missed and didn’t pursue further… or did nothing? What other options? Asked nicely?


Per Twitter this was a company that sold one of the wep used today.

Cowards who didn’t want to not go home today themselves. There have been more than a few mass shootings where cops didn’t engage.

I hate how the media always plays the game “Here is the killers name. Here is the killers picture. Here is the killers social media. Here is his manifesto. How did this happen?” it’s so obviously glamorizing and inevitably inspiring others.

Also, how has the government not seized the 4chan/8chan domains?