‘No Way To Prevent This,’ Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens - Gun Violence in America


I wonder, would repubs change their tune on being against abortion if doctors just got to shoot the fetuses with a gun?


I faintly remember another mass shooter who killed his caregiver (I want to say father) first before going to school to shoot it up

In Jr High at my upper middle class Canadian school we watched Bowling for Columbine and read Nickel and Dimed by Ehrenreich.
The point of these was basically “lol America is a crazy hellscape you’re lucky you’re here” and inequality and gun violence has gotten so much worse in the last 20 years.


Sandy Hook killed his mom before going to the school. Wouldn’t surprise me if there were others too

It’s really common, going back to the 70s, even the 10s or 20s

Not just teens and schools, but the people who have “gone postal” or shot up the local McDonalds and all that stuff

They kill their wife or parents or whoever first and then go on the spree

There was a dude 100 years ago who killed his wife and kids and then went to a school and killed 100 people with guns and dynamite

That brings up another point, which is that there are ALWAYS more mass shootings throughout the 20th century that I’d never read about, every single time I go try to find data on prevalence. There’s just so so many. That aren’t in our memories for whatever reasons.


Well, he didn’t have the guts to stand up to CHYNA.

I’ve posted about it before but my wife and I have had to come to terms the last few years with not being able to have children. At least not our own. And that felt/feels pretty bad. But honestly there is a part of me that can’t imagine raising a child right now in the US. With the political landscape, with the constant mass murder, especially in Oklahoma surrounded by insane bigots. I can’t imagine dealing with the other parents and my child’s school. Or dealing with their social and sports calendar and just have to stomach the insanity around me. Not to mention the very impending climate disaster we are already living. Silver linings i guess. I know lots of you all have kids and my heart goes out to all of you that you do have to deal with that. With raising a kid in the here and now which is largely a hellscape in this country.

This country is insanely sick in about every way possible. I don’t think it’s savable at this point either unfortunately which is very depressing.


Legit took me a minute to realize this wasn’t the Diners, Drive-ins a s Dives guy.


Like they aren’t even all cataloged in Wikipedia.

First of all there’s like 5 different lists with various wordings and qualifications

But NONE of them, despite being so long, are remotely complete. Always running across historical mass shootings that aren’t on the lists

Be sure to get out and vote in November! Imagine what Dems can do with all levers of power!


The parents are usually less mature than the children.

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If Republicans wanted a country with lots of random mass murders, what would they do differently from what they’re doing now? I mean they’re literally stoking the fire for this every day. They want a country filled with anger, hatred and guns. Things like this are a likely outcome.



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Same. Certain Supreme Court justices are the primary evil IMO.

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I am pissed at everyone of those brain dead legislators who are thanking first responders.

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