‘No Way To Prevent This,’ Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens - Gun Violence in America

What he’s supposed to do is find a job that doesn’t exploit my human tendency to get mad at things and then share these things with everyone so they can also get mad and share.

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Yes! Was going to say I’m sure there are dozens of DV murders with firearms daily. One of the first things I think of seeing these events occurring and the post event online recriminations.

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Not quite, but a good listen.

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I dont think the NRA has the same power it did 15 or 20 years ago, anti gun legislation is a left position and not right wing politician can vote for it. Don’t even need lobbying anymore.

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The correct response was the flag.

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And this is just the random civilians shooting people thread.

There’s also a thread for when police shoot people!


Kid literally waited until his 18th birthday to legally buy two assault rifles to murder 18 people. But nobody could do anything to impact it happening.



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The timeline is a bit hazy so it might not turn out to be true, but if true, he shot through three cops to get to the school? If true what is a off duty volunteer ever going to do? You need a swat unit at every school

My mind went here, I’m very sorry.

Yeah agreed, if true what is arming teachers going to do, such a bunch of hurp durp.

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This is so obviously true

Lol continuing to appeal to their non existent sense of decency

You have to fucking beat them you gutless assholes



Our next Senator, ladies and gentlemen.

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And yep



After 1.1 million or whatever dead from Covid I would think it would be obvious that no body count will matter. The Dems have to know that also, so it is just a convenient excuse like always.


I don’t know about this. The Dems are way more attuned to public opinion than most and public opinion would lead a rational person to believe that there is no limit whatsoever.

The centrist dem Uber pollster consultants like Shor say that Dems should give on gun rights and there’s a reason why Yglesias can’t do more than the bare minimum, because the center of opinion in America is to make some perfunctory sigh that it’s tragic and then quickly forget about it to talk about how, actually, America is great.

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Conservatives are way, way closer to cheering on mass shooters as beacons of freedom than passing gun legislation. Rittenhouse is a hero to these people.


For sure. And as always the Dems actually do have the votes and power to pass gun control laws RIGHT NOW and there is a 0% chance they do it. Nuke the filibuster even if it is on a limited basis and pass something. Of course they won’t even try.

They (and we) shouldn’t be hand wringing about the Republicans. Just fucking do something.

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