‘No Way To Prevent This,’ Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens - Gun Violence in America

Lots of cops are actually in favor of gun control believe it or not. But their voices get drowned in a sea of maga

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“You can’t home school your kids because it will permanently damage them psychologically not to be around other kids” -Reich wingers who used to totes advocate for home schooling before there was a pandemic

They stand for nothing. Best I can do is blame lead paint for brain damage. This shit gets worse day by day.

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Nonsense, they are for making libs angry.




As has been said before, republicans only care about fetuses. The second they take their first breath the can all be gunned down as far as they care. They openly choose weapons over kids lives.


This guy for president (sitting congressman)



How sad that the two most well thought out statements being shared today are by former NBA players still involved in the game in some capacity. Absolute failed state shit.


Congress is lit!

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You can have Turner, but these are yglesias posts prior to the one you linked.



Sure, 18 kids is terrible, but just a drop in the 60k who die from guns every year.

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I’m not trying to edgelord here, but it’s pretty wild that no parent who lost their kid has even tried to kill any pro gun politicians afaik


No offense meant, but your defense of Yggy’s attention seeking troll act is incomprehensible to me. The man has openly said he just says whatever to get attention. The man is well, actaullying a goddamn school shooting.


More guns = more billions for police budgets

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Just had this conversation with my wife. If it happened to me I would absolutely make it my life’s mission to impose the maximum amount of physical suffering possible on the greatest number of responsible politicians, lobbyists and gun executives possible.


Just fwiw “school shooter was born in North Dakota”


Damn, I’m feeling physical pain from agreeing with Yglesias

I’ve said this before but it’s because people imagine (their) innocent children dying, versus all the other victims being, in their mind, engaged in something they shouldn’t have been

There’s some kind of mental block in the way of people thinking about how many abusive men murder women, for example. And being more likely to be shot by the person closest to you, or in the top 3 or 4 at least. Some small part of what makes up that block could just be the primitive part of the brain seeing 1 as less than 18


We don’t talk enough about the alleged adults who buy their teens assault rifles.

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I do think gun control would lower the mass shootings. Just because so often the perpetrator is someone only capable of ordering guns online or something along that line. Would get their ass kicked and robbed trying to get a black market gun.

It would be effective even without mass confiscation of guns.

Definitely more effective, especially in the short term, than stopping all other kinds of shootings

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I have been thinking about this and if incentives of social media means pundits feed off of strong emotions then there’s no greater orgy of strong emotions than a mass shooting of kids and Yglesias and Greenwald to feed off it.

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And of course there’s massive logical flaws in the NRA argument that gun control wouldn’t make it any harder to get a gun on the black market. Of course it would.

It’s the same kind of thing as the argument about “oh ho ho, people still caught the virus with the vaccine.” Of course it was harder to catch and had a big effect.

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