‘No Way To Prevent This,’ Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens - Gun Violence in America



It’s my kids’ last day of school today and I’ve never been more relieved.


They seem to have an easier time shooting black men when they are unarmed.

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And now our schools are going to be doing more lockdown drills that scare the shit out of my daughter. They tell us “we do everything we can to ensure your kids safety” when we all know what the one thing that we could actually do in this country to keep kids safe and no one is going to actually do it.

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Yeah, I think we’ll find the “good guy with a gun” argument isn’t going to fare very well in this case. The cops protect themselves first and foremost it seems. They “staged” at the Pulse nightclub while 50 people were being murdered. I guess they were staging here too. The gunman was at the school for a half hour or more before being shot, and the cops had called in their SWAT team. The heroic guy with a gun coming to the rescue is largely a fallacy.

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Would it be constitutional to tax the shit out of firearms and ammunition?

I know Newsom has been working on making a pretty hefty tax on ammunition for a while now

Has it ever?

Who cares. Listening to the courts is just a convenient excuse.

Doesn’t seem like it works out well very often. The Parkland murders also included a not-so heroic cop.

The cops literally just stand there doing nothing basically every time this happens. Then they use their failure to get even more money.


Right. I’m just trying to figure out what policies I should be demanding at the state and local level given that an outright ban is off the table and nothing meaningful will happen at the federal level in the near term.

There are so, so many things we could be doing without outright repeal of 2A. Universal background checks. Training and licensing requirements. Close any and all loopholes to gun purchases. Mandatory registration and insurance for gun owners. Remove protections the firearm manufacturers and dealers have from lawsuits.

All of those things would make it significantly less likely that kids like this go out and impulse buy weapons of mass destruction.

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Hell, even the liberal in me would be OK with harsh penalties for firearm law violations, provided they aren’t selectively enforced against African Americans when they are found during no PC stop & frisks.

Piecing together what happened


This doesn’t seem to be true? Later on they said he was killed by a tactical team.

The car crashing? Was that because the cops engaged him before he got to the school? If so, like how far away? Or did he kill his grandma then drive to the school intending to kill kids, crash his car, engage with the police, then get into the school and then a tactical team showed up later and killed him?

The one thing I’m very sure of is that the initial story from the cops will be a complete lie.


Really, I think the number one thing to curtail gun violence is to end gun culture and the obsession with guns. Unfortunately, that will take generations and requires parents to not pass on a love of guns to their kids.

Eliminate gun culture, you get more elected officials who are more willing to do something.

I don’t think you need body armor to kill your grandma.

Agree and it’s true more generally. Gun culture is the identification of power with violence and in particular guns. Violence to solve problems. Identification with roles. All of this needs to be unlearned and will take generations. And while, no, video games and rap music don’t lead to violence in particular … how many times in your life does violence solve a problem, v how often it does in media? The US culture is in love with violence in many forms and unlearning that is going to take a long time.

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