‘No Way To Prevent This,’ Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens - Gun Violence in America


The truth at last.


I think he could have been a very good backup, but this is significantly overstating it. Dude got benched for Blaine Gabbert after the defenses figured him out.

Rex Grossman stayed in the league for an extra decade off of 1 super bowl run, despite him being far less integral to the Bears’ success that year than Keap was to the 9ers.

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Can someone explain to me how “society treats Kaepernick as a villain.”

Society includes people who aren’t rwnjs and brainwormed conservatives.

How can you look at Kaepernick’s timeline and come to the conclusion that it’s meaningful when pointing out societal ills.

  1. Still made $40 million
  2. Got a ~ $10 million contract from Nike slavers
  3. Won his grievance lawsuit against the league for ~ $10 million
  4. Established a brand
  5. Forced the league to apologize and institute protocols
  6. Considerable future earnings (Netflix special upcoming)

But yeah, I 'm sure he’s still getting up erryday at 5 am and working out with realistic expectations of being on a team.


Society didn’t treat OJ as a villain, he was not guilty and made a ton of money!


Are you actually accusing me of this or not? Spell out for me please; I am kind of slow.

He even got to be in a new Kendrick Lamar video!

Yes, over a year ago I shared an anecdote where I removed myself from an amazing underground 2/5 game after getting into a heated argument with an older guy while defending Kaep. Because I hate him.

Fuck off.

Nothing I said was exclusive to any of the stuff you posted. But that’s what its all about right? Smarter pivots. Reducing humans to elevate yourself.

I haven’t purchased a Nike product in over 20 years. Have you? Is that because you support slavery? China bad?

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Yes there are a couple people fighting the insane fight.

The was a fatal shooting on an NYC subway car this morning that was apparently random. An eyewitness describes the incident on Reddit.

Link to thread: Reddit - Dive into anything

Maybe not random? But then again you’d think a professional hit wouldn’t involve shooting someone then waiting on the same train with a bunch of witnesses for it to come to its stop.

Makes u think

#1 thread on CP is currently “Tom Cruise Fighting the Globalists.”

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Edit: It’s over. Shooter arrested.

One person shot. Hopefully it doesn’t get any worse.

2 dead, 14 injured

Its never going to stop, is it?

Dollars to donuts this is some bullshit satanic panic “Theyre grooming the children” chickenshit cocksucker that fucking did this.

God damn it.

Makes me so incredibly angry. A fucking elementary school. Absolutely nothing will happen except this happening again. And again. And again.
