‘No Way To Prevent This,’ Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens - Gun Violence in America

You’re in for a real treat.

I’m half way through right now.

It’s obvious everyone is aware of what the dumbest right wing nutjobs thought of him.

ETA: Even dumber post corrected below

Clearly your take is more valuable than mine.

I only made it a few posts in before i had to shut the browser window. JFC we are so fucked. I assume this stuff is mainstream rw canon.

The combination of his post with his signature is just some galaxy brain shit. Not even worth trying to reach these people.


Are you suggesting that nobody has ever discussed Rittenhouse here?

Feel free to rehash the part of that discussion where the most right wing posters here got dunks in because of an absolute failure to read what the known facts of the case were. Someone actually posited that they couldn’t be bothered to read.

I am on that board also and saw that happening.

ETA: Incorrect post; correction posted below

The whole comparison is dumb anyways since my original point is holding up Kaep isn’t politically effective. Everyone is just ideologically rounding up at this point just like everyone is fine using the dumbest people’s voices on social media as a shortcut to thinking.

Not sure why you feel the need to call me stupid but whatever. I’m sure as hell not here to score points.

Need an RFC to ban links to ChiefsPlanet.


Also, Nike gave him that contract entirely because he was vilified! They didn’t give him that for his on field talent or ability.
Their big ad with him also won an Emmy.

kaep was still significantly better than 10 or so starting nfl quarterbacks for several YEARS after he was out of the nfl.

See the youtube I posted above



What none of Kaepernick’s stats capture is how atrocious the 49ers o-line has been. Lots of QBs would have done so much worse than him.

Then no team even wanted him as a backup?!

Seahawks should have taken him if he has experience scrambling behind bad o-lines.

Kaep’s entire problem now is that he’s been out of football too long. So not rostering Kaep now seems reasonable.

Not rostering him when he was a couple of years removed from his prime is insanity (or in this case, racism).

I was wrong on the contract numbers. I stand corrected.

Every source I can find estimates his actual football earnings at 40 million. That’s what he actually received from his NFL contract of $126 million.

His Nike contract numbers aren’t disclosed but that initial contract looks about like $10 million.

His grievance settlement looks around $10 million also, but that is extrapolating from the only claim I can actually find that just says something south of $10 million.

So, $50 million is a modest guess, not counting a ton of deals that he is currently in on, including a netflix series about his life.

I actually felt the same about his social justice stance back when this all went down. I started to feel differently when he was making pretty unrealistic claims after being out of the league for 2 years.

Not sure why you didn’t just crush my argument on that alone, as opposed to going straight to character assassination or using Goebbels as an example of anything.

Point being, I embarassed myself and I will correct the posts.

So he’s more like a median GOP House Rep. Cool, cool.

Are there still liberals doing god’s work poking holes in their argument, or has that ship sailed?

Kaep is like public enemy number one in RWNJ circles. They hate his guts and would probably lynch him IRL if they had a chance. I mean, I saw a I STAND FOR THE FLAG AND KNEEL FOR THE CROSS sticker a few hours ago. Honestly can’t think of anyone wingnuts around here hate more. He disrespected the police, the flag and football; 3 of the most sacred cows in this shit hole.


You mean to tell me that there’s a message board with people you hate because you hate their politics, and they banned you for disagreeing with them, and you, just, like, didn’t go back?