‘No Way To Prevent This,’ Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens - Gun Violence in America

I love that Come Come My Lady song. Crazy Town is gonna be the next big thing.


Three mass shootings in this country over the weekend, and I walk into the sandwich shop for lunch and there’s this teenaged kid with his girl open carrying with a gun on his hip.

I wanted to point out how fucking stupid and dangerous this is, but I just got out of there before he decided he needs to stand his ground.

This country, man

I’m not sure what your deal is. If this guy had been at any of those shootings he would have stopped the killer before he had even thought about drawing his weapon

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Can someone explain to me how “society treats Kaepernick as a villain.”

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Does corporations = society to you now?

The overall public sentiment towards Kaep was incredibly negative. We got a ton of “Shut up and play” “He’s disrespecting the flag/country/cops/veterans” “He should only protest where/how we say its ok” and so on.


He was blacklisted from the NFL where he could have earned 9 figures in addition to multiple endorsement deals.


I’m not on social media.

I consider amplifying the lowest hanging fruit celebrated by unverified entities to be a bad idea.

There’s also been significant hindsight revisionism on his athetic career.

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Yeah, I feel pretty comfortable saying he’s a poor example when there are much stronger arguments to be made.

This is like saying an actress who was sexually harassed didn’t really suffer if she got a huge book deal and additional media attention that allowed her to further her career out of it.


Agree to disagree on this.

I still remember Jaws saying he might be the best QB in history.

His 2nd year dropoff follows a pattern of run threat quarterbacks being figured out.

Antonio Brown called this bullshit out right on the money.

There’s more to life/success/etc. than money. Kap lost his career. He literally could not do what he loved anymore. He had to go through years of the entire political right hating him and half of the political left not particularly liking him. There was a small sliver of the population that really supported him.

It is only until very recently that the political right has finally started sort of ignoring him (not completely, obviously, but they don’t talk about him all that much anymore) and most of the left have finally realized that he was correct.

There aren’t many who would say Kap would have been an all-time great, but he was certainly good enough to still be playing, even if it was as a backup. Even with the money and success off the field that he has eventually had, it couldn’t have been an easy go of it mentally.


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I have no problem drawing that obvious conclusion since I’m not filtering every single thought through identity politics. Not yet, at least.


most of the left have finally realized that he was correct.

Why is “correct to take a stand” but also “bad example of this argument” mutually exclusive?

I have not once seen the amount of that contract mentioned in this space.

Yes, obviously he’s doing well financially now and is probably now living a fulfilled life. And doing so without brain trauma is great - a choice most of us would make. But the point is that it wasn’t his choice several years ago. He was forced out of a career he enjoyed and had to endure vilification for years (and still does, to a lesser extent).

Whether or not we think he’s in a better spot now than he would have been is besides the point. He had to go through shit to get there. I know I wouldn’t want to walk around for several years hated or at least side-eyed by most of the country while being blacklisted from my career by a bunch of kajillionaires, even if it meant coming out the other side in great shape. For many people, it would be worth it, but Kap didn’t know it would be at the time.

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Anyone who does this I ask me to name an exact date and time when it is “the time”.

It goes a lot of different ways after that, but it never ends well for them. This is because a lot of times there is evidence of them going to the politics immediately when the shooter is brown.

None of this changes minds. It’s mostly sad and a bit amusing.

Old one but seems relevant:

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FWIW there’s a 20 page thread on the Buffalo shooting on ChiefsPlanet.



I haven’t gone into the chiefsplanet DC forum in 2 years and I’m not about to break that streak now.

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Imagine trying to argue Kaep wasn’t vilified. You must live under a rock. Boomers are STILL MAD about it. I deal with these morons all the time.


Agreed, the typical morons on the Michigan 247 board lost their shit when kaep worked out with us during our spring game and did honorary captain stuff.