‘No Way To Prevent This,’ Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens - Gun Violence in America


Lol I got so mad that I didn’t even finish your post before replying. Of course you were already on it and so was the thread

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This theory is also one of the major drivers behind the architects’ of the agenda to reverse Roe

This all goes back to social media. Dems have been a complete failure on this in part because they are all 95 fucking years old and simply don’t get it.

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The weird thing about replacement theory is the underlining demographics are obviously correct but the actual reason is people want to live in America because they think it’s great. It’s the ultimate “Amercia, fuck ya!” nationalist story. Only the right could view it as a bad thing.



“He was a radical leftist” seems to be a thing in the Twitter hellscape this morning.


Look for cryptic plausibly deniable (or maybe even overt) tweets along these lines to from certain US House members soon.


do they have to go to war against twitch on this to prevent other social media companies from using this as an argument in future cases?



But conservative politics are completely subservient to the racism.

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I don’t think anyone sincerely expects mental health guys to stop mass shootings. The right trots it out in a bad-faith way to avoid doing anything about gun control. I expect most on the left of this would say it’s incredibly important to beef up our mental health resources but that’s never going to be a substitute for not letting teenagers have access to high-powered murder toys.


Not true! They think the problem is that we don’t do enough to appease and work with the ethnofascists.



“this isn’t about guns or racism, it’s about mental health…”

“…which we also won’t do anything about”


You notice how we’re not thinking about infant formula or gas prices right now? Makes you think.

I’m just asking questions. Why am I not allowed to ask questions? Who is it that won’t let me ask these questions, and why? This is important information that we aren’t allowed to know. Why?

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Maybe it’s a false flag operation to distract from the shooting in Buffalo.

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