‘No Way To Prevent This,’ Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens - Gun Violence in America

Just about everywhere in the USA at almost any time of day, wearing kevlar has no realistic impact on your safety compared with, say, the risks of getting hit by a car there, or getting into an accident on the way there. Going to any other rich country and it makes even less.

If I’m a teacher I’m wearing one.

Someone literally unloads a clip close enough to my house for me to hear weekly.

Around a month ago, I was taking a piss and, out of my bathroom window, saw someone drive up and spray the side of a hill from inside the car.

These takes feel pretty dogmatic and idealistic. I actually see bullet resistant clothing as a way for people not to carry and could be pretty vital in an argument against open carry.

I don’t know about dogmatic and idealistic. Perhaps privileged works. I sure as hell would GTFO of a place like you describe. It’s hard to imagine someone who would want to live there. On the other hand, it’s certainly possible that moving away from such places is not an option for many.

Sounds like the problem is that you live in a Democrat Run City. You should try moving to one of the numerous thriving communities in rural Mississippi.


Yeah, this sounds like a place I would move the hell away from rather than start wearing kevlar. This isn’t the norm anywhere I’ve lived in the US.

Dude was pissed his order got messed up. Witnesses say he told 4 yo kid to shoot at cops. Luckily no injuries. No word on whether 3-yo kid was also armed.

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Yeah, that’s the lesson here.

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Holy fucking shit at that takeaway

Sad that the cop was outdrawn by a four-year-old.

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If you get domed by a 4 year old, you’re definitely not getting into Valhalla


Anyone surprised they didn’t arrest the 4 year old?

On local tv news they had a fire person on a ladder up where the bullet hit the side of the building. No idea why.

Weird day in Utah. Also had a kid at BYU almost blow up the dorm cooking up rocket fuel in the kitchen. Maybe I need to watch more local news.

Probably retrieving the bullet for evidence. The police wouldn’t have ladders long enough for that job.

If it was an episode of Coumbo and somebody got murdered I could see it. But a picture of the bullet hole, which you can see from the ground, the gun, and eye witnesses to the event I’d say that’s plenty. Maybe check the kid’s hands for powder residue for good measure but that’s probably more than they did on Rittenhouse.

Bodycam vid of the kid firing the gun would be a plus.

Well everything else he did is El Perfecto in USA Number One. Senselessly carrying a firearm around with hanging out with your kids and berating a low wage worker because they are powerless, those are just key pillars of the 21st century American dream. If he had told his 4 year old to shoot at Urban Thugs that were making him Fear For His Life, then he’d be invited to speak at CPAC. But shooting at a cop is over the line. You’re supposed to cheer on the cops while they murder black people, not oppose them.

Update on gun kid: He was no angel.

4 yo had previously gotten hold of the gun, according to his dad. Dad saying he (dad) blacked out and remembers nothing about the incident.


Well if you black out while your kid is playing with a loaded firearm while you’re arguing with a fast food worker, no problem. That could happen to anyone.


Dad was being uncooperative and getting dragged out of his car by the cops while telling his kid to shoot is my understanding.

Man local tv news really delivers. Two blackhawk helicopters went down near Snowbird ski resort today. No injuries afaik.

I’d like to take a moment to tell all the guns out there how proud I am of them.

USA #1