‘No Way To Prevent This,’ Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens - Gun Violence in America

Wow! He presents a great, cohesive, and infallible security argument on why everyone should own assault rifles…

…when your country is being invaded.

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And the Ukrainians who didn’t have guns were given them for free by their government when they joined up to fight.

You might call those civilians joining up… militias.


Would these militias as you call them, be regulated in any way?


3 kids got shot at a high school in Iowa today and you didn’t hear about it because lol this shithole country

And where would they sleep?


I’d say well, to quite well.

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Sounds like we could reduce our military budget by 90% and outlaw personal gun ownership if we just bought 330,000,000 belt fed machine guns to pass out if we get invaded.

I heard they were No Angels.

Sounds like America is open for business again.




I wonder… are there support groups in the US for people who accidentally killed relatives when they were infants? There have to be!


These parents are fucking idiots. ALWAYS carry your own firearm at the ready so you can let off a few warning shots if your toddler gets hold of a gun. It’s basic parenting people - the only thing that stops a toddler with a gun is a mommy with a gun!



I’m sure that only happened because Arkansas has some of the strictest gun laws in the country!

So, Saturday night I was driving home from dinner and I heard this song for the first time. (I heard the Bob Wills version, not sure how many versions are out there.) When I got home I opened up this thread and saw this post. I was a little freaked out

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75 illegal guns confiscated over the weekend at Spring Break in Panama City Beach. Apparently there was only one shooting from what I can tell, which seems a little surprising. I don’t really know how many they normally seize over Spring Break…

A middle school kid was murdered at school in South Carolina today and you won’t hear anything about it because we’ve just completely normalized it.

School shooting or other?