‘No Way To Prevent This,’ Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens - Gun Violence in America

Y’all too busy crying about mod shit still in other threads? Fucking lol.



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Forgive me if this is posted elsewhere, but an especially horrifying gun violence incident happened in Atlanta, to remind us that in this great land literally any breath might be our last.

The problem is, when people hear about gun violence in Atlanta, or Chicago, or anywhere, they don’t think “guns are the problem”.

I literally know two people who have been killed by stray bullets in the last few years. One is a good friend and old roommate that I hadn’t talked to for a while, father of 2, shot in DC walking out of a restaurant. Absolutely heartbreaking.

The other is a 25-year-old woman who I watched grow up from a toddler in a family that my dad is good friends with. She was shot at First Friday in Kansas City by some 19-year-old idiot who was getting beat up and decided to shoot wildly at the people who were picking on him, hit her down the hill while she was waiting at a food truck.

Her immediate and extended family is utterly shattered of course. Such a stupid waste.

Good friends of ours had a stray go through their house and land in the nursery next to their newborn. They had to move because of the ptsd.

In a public speaking class we did a get to know you thing where we wrote down something unusual about ourselves and then we tried to match the info with the people. No one got the guy who was accidentally shot on two separate occasions. I guess he won. Fuck, you can’t top that.

I once went two weeks w/o taking a dump.

It’s supposed to be something people wouldn’t guess about you.


Good point.

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I’m sorry, suzzer. Both of those are so tragic and so unnecessary.



I think that is a fair trade.

Can’t remember if this has been posted already but this has been doing the rounds elsewhere.

After getting over my amazement of this Florida man road rage I started asking myself how this video got into the wild. Apparently this guy used it to somehow show he was acting in self defence :open_mouth:


(longer video on linked article)

As long as you scream I FEEL LIKE MY LIFE IS IN DANGER while firing, in USA #1 you are allowed to blast anyone with your Freedom Dispenser. As Jesus intended.


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I thought I’d seen this a few months ago but it might well have been another bald bearded responsible gun owner.

Edit - no i was thinking of this one (didn’t quite remember the details right)

Glad to see he was wearing his seatbelt. Gotta set a good example for the kids.

Car in front of you pulls out a gun:

a) Slam on the brakes?

b) Pull out your own gun and shoot through your own windshield?

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I’m old enough to remember when the whole country made fun of California road rage shootings. Now Florida has decided they are cool and necessary.