‘No Way To Prevent This,’ Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens - Gun Violence in America



As we learned in another thread, this happened two days ago and didn’t even get a mention here.


Yawn. Just another day in The Greatest Country On Earth.


My initial response is to be sort of snide about shit like this but then I just get really sad for everyone involved when I take a second to think about it.

Yeah, I feel the same way. I can point to the statistics that show how unbelievably dangerous a gun is to everybody in a household and almost nobody outside the household, but theyll never change their ways. Its fucking depressing. We are convinced these stupid death machines will keep us safe without a single ounce of evidence to confirm that.

John McClain saved his wife from Hans Gruber, ipso facto, I need a shooty box in my house to protect MY wife from Hans Gruber, and Ooops, turns out it was my daughter who was Hans Gruber all along.



Was the 2 year old a cop?

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The injuries weren’t fatal, so I suppose not.

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John Kuczwanski , the Legislative Affairs Director for the State Board of Administration, was killed in a shootout triggered by a road rage incident in north Tallahassee.

Sources familiar with details of the investigation told Florida Politics that Kuczwanski caused the auto accident that began the chain of events, and that he began the shootout that led to his own death.

The sources said the incident began after Kuczwanski’s BMW drifted out of its lane while heading north on Thomasville Road. That’s when the BMW hit a white Prius.

Both cars pulled into a parking lot. The driver of the Prius confronted Kuczwanski about hitting him, the sources said. The Prius’ driver then returned to his car to wait for law enforcement’s arrival after confronting Kuczwanski. That is when, according to Florida Politics’ sources, Kuczwanski rammed his BMW into the Prius on the driver’s door, and began pushing the car sideways in the parking lot.

Kuczwanski then shot a gun at the white Prius, according to the sources. The Prius driver drew a gun and fired back into the windshield of Kuczwanski’s BMW. Kuczwanski was hit and killed, according to the sources.

The driver of the Prius then exited their vehicle on the passenger side and took cover not knowing if Kuczwanski was about to fire back.


Prius owner returning fire like a boss. FAFO.


Florida, where even Prius drivers are armed to the teeth.


They must put some special solvent or something on the upholstery at the factory that effects the brain because BMW drivers are just the worst. W :anchor:s.

(Most of them are coke heads as well - which makes them double w :anchor:).

… in my opinion :)


More stories like these and I might turn into one of those second amendment people. No danger of that, though. It would take a fuctkton.

The difference is, when liberal environmental types are driven to get guns out of fear of being shot at by some lunatic right winger, you know what they do that the lunatic right wingers don’t?

Learn how to shoot.


Sounds like the BMW is to blame.

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I’ve thought the same about Prius drivers, IME


I don’t think you’re too far off. Though IME 90+% of Prius drivers are basically cabs doing uber/lift or food deliveries. So I kind of put them in a different category of shitty driver.

Unless you’re talking about the coke head part…

Famous last words:



Getting golden gun one-shotted by a Prius driver is fucking amazing. Has to be a Darwin Awards Hall of Fame candidate.