‘No Way To Prevent This,’ Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens - Gun Violence in America

That took a moment to land

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Who we got in Michigan?

The couple may be driving a black 2021 Kia Seltos SUV with the Michigan license plate number DQG 5203. Anyone with information on their whereabouts is asked to call the Sheriff’s Office at 248- 858-4911.

They updated that article, says they plan to turn themselves in and only left their home for safety concerns.

The following day, the day of the shooting on Nov. 30, the prosecutor says the suspect was discovered drawing a disturbing note in class. The drawings reportedly worried the teacher. McDonald said the suspect had drawn a gun pointing at the words, “the thoughts won’t stop, help me” along with a drawing of a bullet with the words, “blood everywhere” and a drawing of a person who appeared to be shot twice near a laughing emoji and the words “my life is useless.”

It was then the prosecutor said the suspect was called into a meeting with his parents at the school. At that time, McDonald said the suspect had already altered parts of the drawing. The parents were reportedly advised to get counseling for their son within 48 hours.

It was after that meeting that the suspect returned to class. The prosecutor said the parents failed to ask the suspect if he had the gun with him and failed to check his backpack.

The prosecutor said around 1:22 p.m. that day, Jennifer texted her son, “Ethan, don’t do it.”

About 10 minutes later, James reportedly called 911 to report a gun missing from their home. It was stored in an unlocked drawer in their bedroom, McDonald said.

I’m getting drunk in my house tonight like I have every friday since COVID hit. If they knock on my door, I’ll be sure to let you know.


Same thing with the text message. Imagine doing calculus to cover your ass AFTER your son starts shooting up a school instead of… I dunno, reaching out to the authorities to let them know everything you can to help stop him, or, god forbid, taking him out of school for the day when you find out he wants to murder people.

These people are monstrous.

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I’d bet there was plenty of talk in the house about how Pelosi and the communists are better off dead and shit and barely any actual gun safety training going on.

One counterintuitive things I saw from Yglesias’s post about public opinion is that the public has gotten more open to guns as acceptable the more the crime rate has gone down. There was more public support for gun control during the high crime in the 90’s than there is now.

Trumpers don’t even buy American

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People are more open to changing the status quo when there’s a perception of crisis.

Wait in Texas I have to get a PERMIT and talk to some bureaucrat just so I can conceal carry?

I’m sorry, I thought this was America.

Gosh if only there were some signs.

Only in URBAN areas where you don’t live though.

Neither parent appeared to be involved in political activities. But in 2016, Jennifer Crumbley posted on her blog an admiring open letter to former president Donald Trump, who had just been elected.

She described herself as a Realtor and “the opposite of your typical ‘republican’” — a pro-choice feminist who supported the LGBT community and did not believe in God. But she also thanked Trump for “allowing my right to bear arms,” which she said allowed her to “be protected if I show a home to someone with bad intentions.”

Translation: she had an abortion once and knows a gay person, but likes guns and something about Trump just tickled her fancy. SO HARD TO IMAGINE WHAT THAT COULD BE

The GOP is so good at turning racist normies into single-issue voters that go against everything they used to supposedly stand for. If it’s not guns it’s vaccines. Or abortion. It’s scary.

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The letter also had something about hoping he would make healthcare and drugs affordable for her lololol

My interpretation was that the dad bought the gun as a present to himself for Christmas.

This is a wild story. It also seems like the parents are legit on the run? Like the for their safety thing was the attorneys spinning it for them.

The only thing that gets school shootings in the national headlines these days is when the parents are charged with a crime and subsequently flee.

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None of the rhetoric you’re posting resembles anything that would be politically effective.

It comes across as cheap talk by someone who wants violence for all the wrong reasons.


We are insufficiently polarized on gun issues.

The parents should be held responsible either way.

The language reads like an adult to me tho. “Beauty” specifically.