‘No Way To Prevent This,’ Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens - Gun Violence in America

She doesn’t say that the school knew of the existence of the gun, but a search still seems like it would have been prudent.

OK but is law enforcement really the answer for some kid who is having violent thoughts and making violent images? Is seeking mental health treatment not the right course of action here? Obviously this kid should not have access to a weapon of any kind but this is lol America, anyone can get a gun at anytime.

It seems like the school identified that this kid needs help, and if he doesn’t get it, he’s out, which I agree with. Of course it looks bad in hindsight but it seems the school at least tried to work with the parents to get the kid some help, which was probably more than what would have happened back when I was in school. Meanwhile the parents are giving him guns and telling him not to get caught looking up ammunition at school.

I am so lucky I went to school before Columbine because I was… problematic as a child.


pikachu surprised gif


Good Lord, these parents:



if they’re looking for a place to hide out, what about a park in Sarasota County, Florida?


This explains why the prosecutor would not answer when asked if the Crumbleys had been arrested. More keystone cops up there. Cops aren’t watching them. Prosecutor essentially telegraphs their arrests. This on top of school ignoring obvious warnings. They’ll likely be caught, but not necessarily in a safe situation, which could have happened had authorities handled this better.

a kid like that who is an orphan probably joins the proud boys 3 years ago

I would much rather see them captured and punished rather than killed by cops. A commentator on CNN makes a good point that any chance of getting out on bond (which was highly likely prior to their disappearance) is gone now.

This has crisis actors and is a false flag op to get gun control written all over it. /s

@NotBruceZ Dial your rhetoric back a bit, Jesus.


they were probably ready to accept headspace .com or some emergency call line/website as therapy. the half-assed way schools try to help kids is really infuriating sometimes.

Oh definitely, give it a few more days and people are going to claim this kid was being attacked by antifa after refusing to be indoctrinated by critical race theory and he had to defend himself.




We’re in this situation because Dems have been dialing back their rhetoric for decades. We need to be more aggressive towards the gun nuts. We need to turn every tragedy into a partisan issue the same day a shooting happens. We need to rile up people’s emotions.

This is not the time to embark on yet another journey on the high road to nowhere.

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Weird Al, comedic parodist prophet

Don’t this this made it into the thread


“The Crumbleys” sounds like a bad family from Harry Potter.

They’re a bad family from the USA


Who hasn’t found a reason to use that quote?

You mean to tell me we’ve got a Flight of the Crumbleys on our hands?