‘No Way To Prevent This,’ Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens - Gun Violence in America

Is there a law against not securing a firearm when you have high school kids in the house? Genuinely surprised if the parents get slapped with any charges.

Quite the opposite, arming high school and younger children is a priority for the gun lobby.

Seriously though, requiring liability insurance and/or making gun owners responsible for damages done by their guns should they fall into the wrong hands has been tossed around, but like any other piece of legislation in this country, lololololol.

Not sure how trustworthy, but the Daily Beast

makes reference to this blog post allegedly by the woman married to the shooter’s father who may or may not be his mother.


So he had been planning the attack for a while but just now carried it out. I wonder what could have changed? What made him decide now was the time?

I guess we’ll never know.

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It’s likely that he had access to a different gun before that gun was purchased.

From the daily beast article

As a female and a Realtor, thank you for allowing my right to bear arms,” the letter continued. “Allowing me to be protected if I show a home to someone with bad intentions. Thank you for respecting that Amendment.

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JFC - the kid’s parents literally were called to the school the morning of the shooting to talk about his behavior and threats. Then he somehow got access to his Dad’s gun. And the school let him go back to class after the meeting. Well played all around.

However, authorities did learn after the shooting that the suspect and his parents met with school officials a few hours before the shooting. Officials met with just the suspect the day before and with the suspect and parents the day of the shooting, Bouchard said.

“The day before, it was a meeting with school personnel about some concerning behavior and the meeting the day of was with school personnel and parents about a different issue,” Bouchard said.

“There’s an additional piece of evidence that hasn’t been released yet, but I can assure you it was troubling, it was disturbing, and unfortunately he was allowed to go back to class,” she said.

A consistent trend in this story is young people doing everything right and being failed at every turn by adults. The kids knew this dude was making threats, they told their parents and authorities, they knew exactly how to lock down in an active shooter situation. One of them charged at the shooter to try to disarm him. Meanwhile the Gen-X/Boomer parents were buying extended clips on Black Friday and having bullshit meetings with administrators. Just completely shameful, we killed you young kids because we love our bang bang toys so much.


“Pro-choice, yes, I am a believer in pro-choice, that a woman should have control over her body. That is something right? That was really the only thing that I could find to try to grasp onto as a reason to not vote for you.”

So, there are more threats?! WTF?

Prosecutor files “involuntary manslaughter” charges against both parents of Michigan shooter. Pretty serious charges in a case like this.


This might be the most effective way to curb future gun crime in teens tbqh.

This setting precedent against negligent gun owners could be the biggest step in the right direction we have had in a long time.

Somebody needs to be the test case for shit like this. Might as well be the parents who were warned multiple times about their kids patterns and then went and bought a gun three days before the shooting.

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Yeah. I don’t see how the parents won’t be in very deep shit moving forward. Of immediate concern is whether they’ve already been arrested, and the prosecutor wouldn’t say. That should be public record, so I have no clue why she wouldn’t answer that question. They were almost like accessories it seems. To think that they knew he had a dangerous gun, and had drawn creepy pictures in class, and also searched for ammunition should have set off alarm bells for any parent. But not only did they not want to get him help, and not want to know where the gun was, they wanted him back in class. And the school obliged. And that’s pretty insane as well. But apparently the school officials didn’t know about the gun.

Anyway, if I’m the parents, I’m having a hard time coming up with any kind of believable excuse right now.

The kid was with the dad when he bought the gun. Jesus christ.

James Crumbley bought the gun four days before it was used in the shooting, prosecutor Karen McDonald said Friday at a news conference. Sophomore Ethan Crumbley was with him and later posted on social media about the gun.

Jennifer Crumbley also posted about the gun on social media, calling it “his new Christmas present,” McDonald said.

A photo of the pistol believed to have been used in the shooting was posted to an Instagram account days earlier, a law enforcement source with direct knowledge told CNN.

The Oakland County Sheriff’s Office believes the account belongs to Ethan Crumbley, the source said.
“Just got my new beauty today. SIG SAUER 9mm,” reads the caption under the post, which is no longer available online but was shared widely on social media.

I think these parents are going to get convicted, and they appear to deserve it 1000%.


In general I’m not sure if I’m in favor of charging parents for crimes their kids commit because I’ve seen good families were somehow 1 kid is just a fuck up.

In this case though the parents seem to be awful as well. Buying guns three days before the shooting when your kids obviously has problems? Sending don’t do it texts as if that would help? I’m ok with charging these parents.


I think the “don’t do it” text came after she’d heard about the shootings through the media. But that clearly indicates she knew that everything lined up for this to happen. And she had texted him that she wasn’t mad at him for looking up ammo online in class. I wonder if the Rittenhouse verdict empowered these people to think this was okay. I don’t know. It’s mindblowing.

The school is going to get sued as well.

What if people drew pictures of the Crumleys getting shot in the face?