‘No Way To Prevent This,’ Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens - Gun Violence in America

Super scary. I also felt anxious watching that video like there is going to be that one person who just opens the door anyways and gets everyone killed.

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Man this shit is terrifying. But we can’t do anything to stop traumatizing kids because then psychos like cactus couldn’t have their manufactured manhood in their waistband at all times.

Just pure insanity.

Just once I’d like to see some elected officials do something other than talk.

Like, don’t vote for any “defense” spending until real gun laws pass. Filibuster routine shit. FUCKING DO SOMETHING. Enough with the speeches. Fuck off, Democrats.


What does the lady say at the end of the video? … “I want you to drop that fax you’re okay”

Oh, I think it is backpacks

If it were me, I’d filibuster emergency disaster relief.

They’re just fucking asshole gutless do nothing pieces of shit who don’t care. At all. About anything. There are like 3-5 actually good Senators. It’s so fucking depressing.

Filibuster literally everything. Children are being slaughtered. Play this video. Plaster photos of the dead Sandy Hook kids behind you while you do it. I’m so disgusted by these cowards.


So disheartening. Even worse that school shootings garner such little public attention anymore. It is literally on the same level as a teacher seducing a student. More fascination than outrage at this point.

Scratch that. One teacher seducing one student would get more coverage than this shooting.

I hid under desks to avoid nuclear bombs. Unlike these kids I never had to put my training to the test.

I am curious what does Chiefs Planet think about that porch clip…

CP thinks the shooting was entirely reasonable although I did see a few folks call the shooter an idiot.

Dude’ll get away with it. Glad I didn’t watch it.

They teach this shit at my workplace; I get annual active shooter training. Barricade yourself in, don’t open the door just because someone says they’re the cops. I guess kids these days get the same kind of training along with fire drills and shit. They seem to know what the hell they’re doing.

I’ve been in two false alarm situations, they’re stressful enough for a grown-ass man. idk what all those kids have just gone through. We have two entire generations of badly traumatized kids because freedom and safety or whatever. Nevermind the kids who get shot or who know kids who get shot or who go through a false alarm that doesn’t make the news, how many kids grow up just accepting that active shooters are a part of everyday life? I guess that’s freedom?

Today, the 9th Circuit en banc upheld California’s high capacity magazine ban. The decision reversed the decision of the Circuit’s panel.

But SCOTUS will overturn, right?

I’m asking here. I haven’t been following what the other courts have done in similar situations.

I would bet against SCOTUS granting Cert.

Oh good, I need my high-capacity mags for when I am shooting more deer than I’ve ever seen together in my lifetime or when my apartment is raided by an entire team of assassins.

Then only need 4 for that right?

Against is the default play, since they don’t hear most cases. But I wouldn’t feel that confident.




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He was trying to disarm the shooter? Then the shooter must have shot him in self-defense?


Update on the Oxford shooter, apparently his dad bought the gun on sale for Black Friday. Good job good guys with guns. Your kids are out shooting up their schools with them.

It wouldn’t surprise me if he decided to be a responsible parent and teach his kid how to use the gun to protect his mom from getting raped by a home invader or whatever improbable nonsense threats that white suburbanites believe are out there.

