‘No Way To Prevent This,’ Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens - Gun Violence in America

Never heard of it. But I’m going in.

That shooting if fucking insane. I can’t imagine acting like that other dude when a guy has a gun though. Someone starts waving a gun around and it’s time to move on.

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Came up empty. I couldn’t find any content relating to this shooting.

Why try and deesculate the situation and let people cool off when you can just grab a gun and kill someone.

Can’t imgiane shooting someone dead on your porch and the telling the person they are with " well I told you to leave didn’t I" no remorse or regret, not in shock that he just took a man’s life. What’s wrong with people…

That started at least in the video as typical dipshits in a bar fight too. Just standing face to face chest bumping. Seen so many people get lit the fuck up in that situation expecting the other dipshit to push instead of a shot to the jaw. Ugh.

I’m trying to decide how much jail time is right for the shooter in this case.

15 yrs seems about right, imo. Thoughts?

Can you imagine Henry Kissinger on your porch?

Oh, man, I did not read the article until now.

The widow of a Lubbock father who died in a fatal shooting in South Lubbock earlier this month is seeking custody of her step-children to keep them away from the shooter, who is also in a relationship with their mother.

That kind of plays out like a movie scene where shooter kicks or shoves person away enough distance to get a shot off. Except the guy wasn’t even throwing punches, just bumping chests and definitely not a threat falling back away from guy. Kind of mad I watched that.

That gun turned a situation in which 2 idiots wrestle in the yard for a bit before being too tired to do anything to that and I’d bet neither of them would have purposefully beat the other to death if they scrapped.

A woman and kids were involved, so maybe they would have done some serious fighting without a gun.

Punches would have already been thrown in my opinion. People who don’t actually want to fight do that. People that want to fight start swinging or at least not sit and bump chests.

What a fucked up situation and event. I don’t know the law to speculate but wouldn’t be surprised if they say he was going for gun so fuck him. I really wish I hadn’t watched the video.

Also, maybe. They may have beat one to death but that gun blast sure did it!

What’s interesting is that Cactus was accused of posting in bad faith but never did so. He simply had a take that was disagreed with.

On top of that, he admitted he didn’t have the facts and wasn’t going to comment on the Rittenhouse case again. Of course that declaration was “dunked” on.

Interestingly enough, an anti-gun board reg also posted that they didn’t have the facts when it was pointed out that they were jmsu about the testimony. Their defense was they didn’t have time to read up on the case. Lol at that since the testimony summary that was cited was 6 paragraphs requiring less than 2 mins of reading. Not shit was said to that poster.

Making someone into a caricature that you can “dunk” on is Fox News style 101. I really don’t understand why it is such an accepted modus operandi in this forum.


I’m pretty sure I never accused Cactus of posting in bad faith. I just think he’s not that bright.

Nevertheless I’m interested in hearing his opinion on this. I don’t encounter such people in real life very much. So seeing one of them explain their thinking on this is a bit of a novelty for me.

I have opposed @Cactus on gun stuff and I will concede even more than this, I wouldn’t say he’s “not that bright” I just think he has an emotional investment in gun rights that undermines all of his thinking in it.

97 posts were split to a new topic: I am very smart: A Cactus containment thread


It’s great/scary/sad/insane how well-prepared kids are for these situations today.