‘No Way To Prevent This,’ Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens - Gun Violence in America

For the second time in like a week and a half we are dealing with a threat at my daughter’s middle school. I really wanted her back in real school this year but now I cannot for the life of me recall why. For all its drawbacks, and they were legion, we never had to deal with shit like this or bullies and what have you

Maybe the homeschoolers are on to something :man_shrugging:


The two high schools in my hometown have gotten multiple bomb threats this year and have had to shut down for the day. They don’t seem to have a good protocol for avoiding this


A high school in my hometown also dealt with bomb threats a couple years ago. Someone would call an anonymous tip line and leave a threat and as a result the school would be closed that day. This happened more than a dozen times that school year. Eventually investigators managed to track the threats to a student. Can’t imagine what kind of toll that does to the students of the school.

I mean it’s happened enough that I don’t think anyone ever believes it’s a real threat, and they get a day off school. They’ve caught one student so far, but apparently he’s not the only one. But yea, just kind of a shitty situation all around.

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Was just coming to post this. Absolutely ghoulish shit

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+1 to the NPR NRA story. Fucking despicable.

Apparently both blokes are white, so maybe this guy will do time. Then again, it’s Texas, so maybe not.


Saw this from rupars tweet, seems like murder. Dude loses the little push fight they were having and just turns around and shoots the guy unarmed

Woah woah woah. Was any of the little dude’s property at risk? Totally righteous kill if he thought the big dude might like dent his car or something.


Oh shit. We’ve got to get @Cactus up in here.

The thing is the gun causes the thing its supposed to prevent. Like if I were to describe to you a scenario where you say 'a man won’t leave someone’s property so a guy gets a gun to defend himself. The guy the fires warning shots which the other guy ignores. The other guy the charges the guy and tries to wrestle his gun away from him. The guy fends the other guy off and the shoots him.

Described like that then it sounds like a good case of self defense, but in the context of the video, the odds that any one would die in that video except for the gun being introduced is like 0%. Petty bullshit custody fist fights happen all the time all over the world.

The guy won’t get arrested and he’ll get off scott free, but that’s the situation we’ve created

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Oh yeah, 100%. People have total fantasies about what the presence of a gun actually does. Data is defenseless against narratives.

Definitely no way I would ever be picked for this jury.

“Have you seen the video?”

“Yes. Guy was straight-up murdered.”

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Black Friday is back!

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What the actual fuck. I’ve seen plenty of videos of people being shot, but the complete disregard for human life here is still utterly shocking. I just can’t wrap my head around thinking that is the appropriate course of action to take, and then actually taking it.

Well, I guess Cactus is busy. Anyone know where I can find a place where a bunch of Rittenhouse stans weigh in on this one?

In Congress?

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They’ve weighed in already?

legal eagle comment section.