‘No Way To Prevent This,’ Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens - Gun Violence in America

I read the part where the suspect lived, so yeah, knew he was white

Fall is in the air and a new season of school shootings is here.


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If only it was HeritageNotHate High School, there would have been several good guys with a gun to shut that shit down.


I love how eDems keep waiting around for their good friends on the other side of the aisle to once again be reasonable when Republicans have actively been pro-school shooting for my entire life. The party actively courts Alex Jones types who literally stalk and harass the parents of murdered 6 year olds.

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Listen Commie, Reagan and the other Founding Fathers of The Greatest Country On Earth used automatic assault weapons to liberate us from the British. Do you want to go back to being subjects of the Socialist King of Europe? Ha, I didn’t think so.

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remember when washington crossed the delaware to liberate the airport? pepperidge farm remembers


booker t?

5 time
5 time
5 time
5 time
5 time

World heavyweight champ?

Shooter in a Kroger in Tennessee.

It probably doesn’t make national news, but a University of Utah football player was shot and killed last night at a party after a home game. A woman was also shot and is in critical condition. Shooter hasn’t been caught.

What makes the shooting more tragic is that Lowe is the first recipient of the Ty Jordan Memorial Scholarship, named in honor of the Utes running back who died in 2020 of a gunshot wound while at home in Texas. The two also attended and played for the same high school. Prior to the 2021 season, Lowe had changed his jersey number to Jordan’s #22 in honor of his friend.

Like a dozen kids impacted by this seen at my practice, super tragic. The fuck is wrong with people.

Remember when 900 people got shot and nothing happened? Arguably as disturbing as when dozens of 5 year olds got slaughtered and nothing happened.


So there was a school shooter in Houston. This is some footage from the students and their red dawn remake.

absolutely insane. i also cannot believe the kids had to walk through the shot up entrance and over essentially the crime scene. police brought a ton of firepower to a school shooting, but not even a single health professional who thought about the students.


I was kind of surprised how many police have adopted that operator aesthetic

Having your kid walk through an active crime scene and over blood is just a small price to pay for the freedom of your kid getting shot at school.

The only thing that would have stopped this bad guy with a gun is good students with guns.


you don’t have good students with guns because you are not teaching them well enough. by my psychohistory prediction, texas board of ed gonna launch AP Marksmanship tests next year and comey barret going to uphold it.


Come to think of it, while I have heard of shootingextracurricular, I haven’t heard of shooting as part of a curriculum. Maybe JROTC?

My dad took some kind of rifle marksmanship class for credit in either college or high school. That was a different era, ofc. Back when colleges required some kind of phys ed elective.

I got me a rifle AND shotgun badge in the boy scouts