‘No Way To Prevent This,’ Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens - Gun Violence in America

Dear America,

Cheers for all this.

OK that is the way all of these mass shooting stories should be framed. “Anytown Shooter: Angry Nerd Who Couldn’t Get Laid”


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If commercials with three frogs have taught me anything, I’m pretty sure I should go get a Budweiser and pretend to enjoy it.


That’s crazy. I wonder if it was a situation like that Brad Pitt movie. I think it was Babel.

What can we do to prevent this?!

Anti-gun legislation at the state level should seek to copy anti-abortion legislation, specifically the recent law in Texas.

It’s not that easy. You’ve got the 2nd amendment protecting guns. All you had protecting abortion was Roe. One of those is much more insurmountable than the other.

is it? the “one weird trick” about the texas law is that nobody has any standing to challenge it (which is sort of an insane concept). If you’re saying that all the lower courts that refused to step in on the TX law wouldn’t have a problem stepping in on a similar gun ban, I would probably agree with that, but that’s because lol law, not because the constitutions magic force field did anything

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One of these days, I want to write a book on the structural similarities between gun rights and abortion rights.

The “trick” only works until someone actually files a suit, which really shouldn’t take that long. At that point, we will have someone with standing. That’s when second amendment vs Roe matters.

So, I guess you’re right that the effect of that difference is zero right now. But that will be important pretty soon.

This would be in the news for like a week in any normal country, but it’s not even trending because Florida.

“We’re not dealing with a traditional criminal here. What we’re dealing with is someone who obviously had mental health issues at least this last week, had PTSD,” Judd said.

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Well, obviously he’s white. Black criminals are never assumed to have any type of mental disorder.

So he was white?

Perfectly normal that somebody who does this can also own a gun

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Do your own research! (yes)

I feel like there is some Dvaut inspiration in me somewhere to argue that you all quoting and saying he obviously had mental issues are missing the point. I just don’t give a fuck and am not as able to write as well as him.

But yeah, the other people that that dude calls traditional criminals have the same and other issues.