‘No Way To Prevent This,’ Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens - Gun Violence in America

The way to stop a bad guy with a gun is with a band of Shirley Jackson fans.


You hippies make me sick! This poor guy. No second amendment in Germany! This is what happens.

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Guy was definitely fucking that tank, right?


Is an 82 year old physically capable of it?

Where there’s a will there’s a way, when I’m 82 there’s not an object around my house that’s safe.


That made me think thoughts I didn’t want to think.

Boomers WOAT, worldwide

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Local media reported that the man had been seen one winter using the tank as a snow plough


Wondering if you confiscated every privately held gun in the USA and put them in a container, how big would that have to be?

120.5 guns per 100 Americans. Given the population of America is 329.2 million people, then there are 396,686,000 guns.

A study in 2009 found that 36.8% guns owned are handguns. 35.5% are rifles, 27.7% shotguns.

Extrapolating using that, there are 145,980,448 handguns, 140,823,530 rifles, and 109,882,022 shotguns in America.

By US law, a gun with an overall length of 26 inches or more is classified as a rifle. Multiply that by the number of rifles in America and you find out that if you line up just the rifles owned in America end-to-end, that line would go around the Earth at the equator twice.


What the actual fuck.

Edit: well, I decided I wanted to put it in other terms.

Typical high school gymnasiums appear to be ~115ft x 65ft x 25ft, total volume 186,875 ft3

Let’s assume rifles are 30 inches long (I think actual number is more like 40), maybe 4 inches wide, and say 8 inches tall (some scopes, some without scopes, whatever), and happen to be in a perfectly-sized box.

All those rifles could fill up a high school gymnasium over 400 times

Add in the shotguns at the same size and handguns at, let’s say, 1/5 the size and we’re up to over 800 high school gyms

Other “fun” comparisons:

  • These gun boxes, stacked flat, would reach the top of the empire state building over 100,000 times
  • Assuming a weight of ~5lbs per gun (6-8 for rifle/shotgun, 1.5-2 for handgun), all of these American guns weigh 2,000,000,000 lbs. American adults weigh 180 lbs on average (woof). If you were to place American guns on one side of a balance and every American that lived in an individual state on the other side of a balance, the guns would outweigh the inhabitants of 43 of the 50 states. You could even add together the inhabitants of Wyoming, Vermont, Wash DC, Alaska, North and South Dakota, Delaware, Rhode Island, Montana, Maine, and New Hampshire (10 states + DC) and our guns would outweigh them!
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This story is so fucked up. Theater empty except for the tik tok star with his date and an unrelated group of 4 friends. One friend goes out to the car to get a gun, apparently having a schizophrenic break. His friends get scared and leave. The guy executes the other two people in the theater - says voices told him to do it. He had run out of meds.

Guns don’t kill people, people kill people.

Ok then lets make heathcare and mental healthcare available for everyone.

No, thats socialism.

Just absolutely heartbreaking and nauseating :(

I know this thread is focused on the US for obvious reasons, but this news broke a little while ago in the UK. The headline is shocking to me, but I guess it’s a somewhat positive thing that I do find it so shocking.

For perspective (as mentioned in the article) … 5 killed (+gunman) = worst mass shooting since 2010. So few that we know them by name - Hungerford (1987 16 dead), Dunblane (1996 17), Cumbria (2010 12) and now Plymouth (2021 6).

I do prefer the 5 killed (+ gunman) style headline/reporting over the 6 killed variety.

Guns don’t kill people, toddlers kill people:

I heard the toddler is an illegal immigrant that China sent because Biden is weak.

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If only there was a good guy with a gun there to stop the toddler :(