‘No Way To Prevent This,’ Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens - Gun Violence in America

It’s a good thing for the reasons you mentioned, but it’s a bad thing because in a sane country, incidents like that would be so few and far between that it would be easy to remember their name. Like Christa McAuliffe/Challenger disaster, etc.

That and “please ask your representative to increase funding for mental health services”


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I agree whenever mental health is the ONLY thing discussed it’s obviously transparent pro-gun trash. Any child knows that.

Considering all the guns in this country we would be having thousands of murders per day if the guns were the only significant factor.

That’s scary.

Did they bust the drunk for breaking and entering?

There’s blood in the streets
It’s up to my ankles
Blood in the streets
It’s up to my knees

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I dont think this story takes place in the town of New Haven.

My first time being adjacent to a non-war zone shooting. Pretty surreal. I was sitting in a cafe across the street and had just ordered lunch when I heard POP POP POP POP POP POP POP outside. At first I and the others barely noticed, I actually thought some kid was popping firecrackers outside. Then I heard tires screeching followed by more POPs and I knew it was gunfire. There was a van out in the street and someone was shooting from inside the van at a cop in an unmarked car, who was shooting back. All of this was happening in broad daylight. It was like a scene from a movie, in fact it reminded me of ‘Heat.’ A witness came in after the shooting stopped and said they had the van stopped a few blocked behind that laundromat but he wasn’t sure if they had the shooters. I assumed not since there was still a chopper flying around when I left, presumably looking for the shooter or shooters.

This is the same town where George Zimmerman got away with murdering Trayvon Martin.


Bloody red sun of fantastic LA
Blood on the rise it’s following me


Third one this year apparently. I lived there for a year and still have friends there and hadn’t even heard about these.

Re: Columbine, the book by Dave Cullen on it was excellent, would recommend if it’s something you might be interested in reading about.

Seconded. The media’s need to build some kind of narrative out of events was a massive turning point in the US’s gun control problems. People had not yet been desensitized to school shootings, so Columbine was legitimately shocked people. I think that if the media hadn’t tried to force false narratives about bullying and Marilyn Manson (lol), etc., the gun control movement may have been able to capitalize on that shock.

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So you will be able to carry without a conceal permit in Texas.

Of course this is a horrific idea. I have been through the concealed license training in Texas. It’s not overwhelming but at least it covers the basics, the law, ethics and actually requiring you to know how to fire a gun. With this change people can conceal carry without ever having fired a weapon, I assume, which I am sure will be just fine.

But on the bright side remember when that concealed carry person stopped that mass shooter? Hmm well I am sure some day the point of millions of people walking around with guns will pay off at least once. It’s getting worse than monkeys and Shakespeare.



Only 3, so no biggie.

It’s not like it was a daycare or Pre-K

Those three people would have died anyway, the flu kills more people every year.


Just think how many people he could have shot if he had a knife instead

and we are back at how many five year olds *smh

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She, and 11 or 12 years old.