‘No Way To Prevent This,’ Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens - Gun Violence in America

I see people on Twitter referring to individuals who were killed in these shootings and I’m not even able to keep track of which shooting it was.

There were at least 3 today. It’s impossible to care even a little bit and not be perpetually enraged.

If I were perpetually enraged, I’d be planning the deaths of the people I blame for this not being addressed.

The really sick thing is everything we know about psychology says the more this happens the less people will care.

Another mass shooting in Shreveport. Details still coming in. It’s only going to get worse until the dipshit right in America is made obsolete.

jesus christ. 3 mass shootings in 1 day.

America is wilding right now and I’m not even sure how to stop it.

Thoughts and prayers should do the trick


99 mass shootings up to April 18th in 2020
168 in 2021 as of April 18th

Mass shootings in Czech Republic since 1989 (defined as 5 or more deaths): 3

There are guns in the Czech Republic and concealed carry permits exist for civilians here. However, the gun culture that exists in America where guns are cool or toys to fuck about with as children doesn’t exist here. While a good chunk of my students have fired guns, almost all of them have fired hunting rifles at targets and don’t do so on a regular basis or at all anymore.

Guns are also very expensive. A 9mm costs 15,000 CZK which is almost $700. That number is about 40% the average monthly salary in the Czech Republic. Meanwhile, you can get a new handgun for as low as $200 and even less if bought used in America. Toss that $700 on top of the restrictive laws and the cost of getting licensed and it isn’t easy to own one.

That said, there actually are conservative parties in this country who low-key want to be more like America when it comes to gun ownership. They aren’t quite as loud or hardcore about it and will be less so now given that some mass shootings and police shootings in America make the news here though.

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Long Islsnd, 3 dead, shooter got away

22nd anniversary of columbine

is mass shooting still defined as 3+? are these incidents not even counted in the total?

Man I remember Columbine as being the biggest story for months. Still remember the names of the shooters. Would be forgotten after like a week now. You need at least like 10+ body count now or it’s barely newsworthy.


Yup, I remember their names as well but won’t post them here because fuck keeping their memory alive. And I was 9 at the time and haven’t read or watched much about that massacre in many years. I remember it being earth shattering news for weeks on end. Now it would just be another Tuesday.

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CNN says 1 dead, 2 injured

I was doing a little bit of amateur shylocking in freshman year of high school as one did before Columbine, and I got to have a chat with the school cop about making threats lol. Neither of us took it very seriously because he saw right through me and I wasn’t actually dangerous, but it was the beginning of there being steadily more and more law enforcement. This was maybe 3 months after Columbine, and I’m pretty sure if I was a year or two younger I’d have been in much more trouble.

No school cops, no metal detector, no fence at my hs. QB and his buddies planted dynamite under visiting bleachers and got suspended like 3 days. That’s how old I am.


My high school had cops, i think there were two of them on the property during the day. Don’t remember having metal detectors, graduated in the mid 2000s.

I used to sell butterfly knives, switchblades, and fireworks out of my locker in high school. Got caught once - all contraband confiscated, and that was it. Not even detention.


Hell, I bet 90%+ of the country couldn’t name the Las Vegas shooter, at this point.

I’m actually amazed that we don’t have more of these incidents in LV/NV, given how batshit crazy a good chunk of our populace is.

I cant…

Which I actually consider a good thing. Obviously coverage of this shit is important, but some of these guys want to be the next Columbine shooters with their stupid fucking faces on the news for weeks straight. We shouldnt ever give it to them.

The headlines should always read “Some fucking asshole killed x number of people and wounded x, then killed himself because hes a pathetic fuck stick. Let us mourn the victims and do something to make sure pieces of shit like this cant get their hands on guns.”

Would be pretty expensive, ink-wise but you get the point.