‘No Way To Prevent This,’ Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens - Gun Violence in America

How are we distinguishing drive by from mass shooting? I just want to make sure I’m accurate on my gun violence terminology


(Open for mass shootings)

I think “drive by” has connotations of “urban gang violence”. In other words suburban types can write those off as “things that happen to black people in a neighborhood that I know I will never go to, so I can disregard them because those are lives I assign zero value to and I am unlikely to be personally harmed”.

A “mass shooting” is a serious matter because it happens at a mall or an Olive Garden or some other place where white people might be hurt. That’s a crisis!


G’morning, three dead in Kenosha.

We aren’t. I mentioned “drive by” because six were hit and seems pretty insane.

I could have rainbow posted that a drive by isn’t any better, I guess.

Well that sucks. And it would be a terrible CSN song lyric, too.

Right wing angle gotta be that the lockdown caused mental problems which caused an increase in shootings. Gotta OFS/OFB to stop the shootings!

Dunno. It matches the number of syllables. Just nobody gives a shit about Kenosha.

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Good afternoon. 3 dead in Austin, that’s two so far today.


Was this frequency normal pre-pandemic?

This seems like a lot, even by USA #46 standards.

This is standard, doesn’t even make the national news unless more than 5 people are murdered.

There were 434 mass shootings in 2019.

Some of those pictures are in front of my Trader Joes and the street corner they are listing is across the street from a place I got ice cream last weekend. Just fantastic. Getting my wife with an anxiety disorder out of the house is going to be way easier now. Thanks GOP!

It didn’t make the news when Donald was dominating the news. Mass shootings bleed so in Biden’s presidency they lead. Boring might really help us out on criminal justice reform and gun control in terms of public support.


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What is the actual point of having some former político come on your CNN show and just lie his ass off? How are your viewers possibly informed by watching this shit?

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Well for one, informing viewers isn’t something these networks care about so I think the answer to this question is “who cares” (I know you know this, just saying)

Austin’s over, right? Up next, Wisconsin. 3 dead, 3 wounded.


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Used to use this shopping center pre-pandemic…