‘No Way To Prevent This,’ Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens - Gun Violence in America

Eh, I could imagine an urban area where that number is easily over 50% and that’s all the student had ever known.

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Yeah, but then you also have to imagine them going to Australia for some reason.

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America is back!

I had one in high school we had to go thru every day. Middle of the city Chicago

I’m not sure I’ve ever walked through a metal detector except at an airport.

Also a court building as a prospective juror I guess.


Why did they arrest him?


The private owners of the private roads should decide on licensing, ldo.

I assume you can’t stroll around with a rifle in NY like you can in OH.

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Correct because Big City Coastal Demonrats HATE freedom!



Hardly even news at this point.

Christ, that’s depressing.

Kids are going get shot because they think deer are cute and want to see one up close.

It’s now a regular news segment like the weather. Maybe there should be a channel dedicated to it.

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Did you have to give your kids the talk about the dangers of moose before moving to Canada?

Moose are definitely no joke

Props to this guy for keeping his cool

And this one was a little one just playing with him.

So there is another one in Nebraska today? WTF

6 people shot at a dollar general in Columbus

We’re really up to two a day now? JFC.

Columbus may have been a drive by - not that that’s any better, really. You’ll get more than two a day avg of that shit.