‘No Way To Prevent This,’ Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens - Gun Violence in America

I didn’t realize there was that much wrestling to watch. It is really every day like a soap opera?

Maybe Greg Johnson.

Also likely Joe Murphy who is homeless and has mental illness.


Ugh, I don’t want to give up the NHL.

Once some schedule shifts occur, you can watch a televised two-hour episode every day from Monday to Friday across three promotions, plus some web shows and random matches on YouTube.

I still watch the NHL, but the concussion thing is problematic.

Yeah I’m a huge Scott Steven’s fan. I’m constantly worried that Lindross is going to snap one day and it will be Scott’s fault

It’s actually a lot harder than it seems to balance protection against a catastrophic brain injury with protection against concussive and subconcussive hits. Most helmets are designed more for catastrophic, leaving wearers vulnerable to lower energy hits.

Think of a simple bike helmet–it absorbs impact energy by compressing the foam, but what if an impact is too soft to start foam compression? The skull hitting uncompressed foam is not that different from a unhelmeted hit.

I dont know how credible this site is but its consistent with what I thought - helmets are good but concussions happen when your brain sloshes around inside your head. If your skull and brain are moving fast in one direction and something stops your skull, then the brain will keep moving and slam into your skull. A helmet can’t really prevent this but a good helmet can probably help some.

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Yea exactly. It’s really hard to create a protective material that will gently decelerate the head enough to avoid concussions.

Old college anecdote continuing the derail

Back in college my senior design project for Mech Eng was to try to design a helmet that would do exactly that–compress a bit in low impacts to try to smooth the deceleration out and prevent concussions while still providing the robustness to protect against catastrophic injuries like skull fractures. We ended up testing out a combination helmet made from two different foams, one soft and one very stiff, aligned like this:
Super simple idea–the soft foam would compress easily; the more it compressed, the more stiff foam would be encountered, gradually adding resistance to protect in high impact situations. It ended up testing better than any other group’s prototype, most of which were using some crazy new material while we just used simple foam. I’m sure smarter people than us have figured out something better than this, but still, it’s a really hard problem to solve.


One thing that happens sometimes in hockey is that a player with get checked very hard but not a hit to the head, and it still causes a concussion. Modern players can skate really fast - if you are going fast in one direction and someone abruptly stops that momentum with a jarring but clean hit (like shoulder to shoulder or shoulder to chest) that first player is fucked. It makes a big, big difference if Player A sees the hit coming - even a fraction of a second to slow down + brace for impact makes a huge difference. A lot of concussions in hockey happen when Player A passes the puck and watches to see if the pass makes it to his teammate then BAM!

Not implying video games lead to shootings, I just didn’t know where to post this abomination of a title glorifying the Iraq invasion.

The only thing libs love more than watching paid professionals ravage their brains for entertainment is watching exploited and unpaid teenagers do it.

Jeeze, not me. The NCAA is an abhorrent organization

Yea wasn’t directed at you. Just the sentiment that watching football is A-ok in this day and age.

My cousin worked for CU football in college and some NFL teams after she graduated. She was close to Rashaan Salaam. He blew his brains out a few years ago.

Watching football is A-ok. Nobody stops eating fish because commercial fishermen die a lot. Or stops supporting BLM because cops have a dangerous job.

None of that is televised for entertainment purposes. Were the Roman’s cheering in the stands at the Coliseum without blame iyo?

False equivalence.

I would guess (with zero evidence) that deplorables are a bigger portion of the hardcore NCAA FB audience than the hardcore NFL audience

I guess I’m not sure who it was directed at, but most of the “libs” I know think the NCAA is shady as fuck.

A ton of people on this forum love and watch college football.

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