‘No Way To Prevent This,’ Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens - Gun Violence in America


Also killed the doctor’s wife and two of their grandchildren, nine and five years old.


Could you imagine being those kids’ parents? Your parents and your kids get murdered on the same day, horrible.

He also suffered multiple injuries in the NFL, including concussions and a broken left ankle.

CTE perhaps?

Reeks of CTE. Absolutely horrifying story. Sounds like he also killed a 38 year old dude who was there working on the house

Have there been cornerbacks who have gotten CTE? I thought it was mostly the guys getting knocked around every play like linemen and linebackers.

edit: apparently corners are most likely to get concussions, maybe they’re getting knocked around more than I thought.

Defensive backs tend to be the fastest and hardest hitters on any team, plenty of concussions and subsequent cases of CTE.

Yeah, the sorts of plays where you’re most likely to see concussions are kick and punt returns, where a ton of backup CBs and safeties are involved, and receptions over the middle and the DB goes helmet to helmet. But it’s an open question whether a small number of big hits vs. a much larger number of sub-concussive hits as in the experiences of linemen, linebackers, and RBs are worse for CTE.

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Yeah I think we tend to associate concussions with a player who has just received a devastating hit, but the act of tackling involves propelling your upper body at a 200 lb dude who is running full speed. Probably a lot of concussions from helmet on helmet hits, getting kneed in the head trying to wrap up a tackle, or just bouncing your head off the turf following a tackle or attempted tackle.

Mass shooters unleashing pent up demand like boomers wanting to get to Applebee’s.


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Not perhaps. 100%

Every time this happens it strengthens my resolve to do away with watching football, wrestling, (and hockey, sadly) permanently.

At least the NHL is trying some stuff to reduce headshots.

How hard could giving up wrestling have been? I assume we’re talking about WWE and not the stuff that you see at the Olympics.

I watched for the better part of 25 years. Ask someone you know who tapes a soap opera and watches it every day for that long how hard it would be to give it up.

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Outside of enforcers, I haven’t heard about ex-NHLers and CTE.

In my experience, not too many concussion situations in wrestling.

I honestly suspect that it’s not beyond the realm of science to make normalish football/hockey helmets that prevent 80+% of concussions.

Looks like he was talking about the fake wrestling where they smash folding chairs over each others heads and such.

Paul Kariya and Lindros would both be candidates.

Edit: Forgot about LaFontaine.

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