‘No Way To Prevent This,’ Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens - Gun Violence in America

Was there ketchup on them?


I was working in a sales office a few years back. One of my coworkers was a dude who loved guns and had a Corvette with a “coffee is for closers” license plate frame. Huge d-bag obviously. One day he left work at noon. He went to a counseling session with his wife. Afterwards he grabbed a couple guns out of his trunk and murdered her beyond recognition in the parking lot.

We all found out that evening. Work wanted us to still come in the next day and keep selling. That was the easiest lol yeah…I don’t think I’ll be in the office until that dude is apprehended.

They found him a few days later in Cancun and he’s now serving a life sentence.


One of the big problems with school shootings is that at least with high schools, the shooter is usually a student and supposed to be there. Extremely hard to protect against a kid that’s supposed to be in school bringing some guns and killing people.

There really isn’t a good way to protect for this, short of turning schools into prisons. There’s a ton of money being spent to ‘harden’ schools, but I think the money is better spent in more counseling and staff and really keeping track of students. Not just at school, but at home too.

Additionally, there’s been very few cases of people being killed behind locked doors. A lot of things could be solved pretty inexpensively by just changing out door hardware on classrooms. But that’s cheap, and no access control/camera/security vendor wants to be talking about that.

I hope somebody had a cross handy.


Is that Bill Walton?

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This thread is an excellent reminder that I need to gtfo of this country before my kid reaches school age. Terrified of sending your kid to public elementary school = price of freedom. I’m not even that comfortable with her going to daycare at the JCC which I always worry will be a target but their security has gotten super tight thanks to COVID.

says only nation where this regularly happens

America is officially back, baby!


The investigation has revealed a road rage encounter unknowingly developed after the victim’s vehicle came close to the suspect vehicle during a merge into a lane. The suspect’s vehicle then came alongside the victim’s passenger side. The suspect rolled down his window and fired multiple shots into the passenger door, one of which struck Julie Eberly.

That’s a fast trigger finger.

USA #1



deplorables: I WILL NOT LIVE IN FEAR

also deplorables: I need to mount a gun under every flat surface in my home


How much of that is fear and how much is indulging in action hero fantasies?

When someone buys a lottery ticket they don’t really believe they will win but it’s nice to fantasize for a few days about all the things they will do with their jackpot. Replace lottery ticket with gun and jackpot with shooting someone.


Of course it’s beating peen to the idea of getting to murder someone, but that isn’t socially acceptable, so they have to pretend to be afraid.

What’s the difference?

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Just cock your pistol and holster it ready to fire as you head out the door and off to Kroger like a totally normal adult.

The latter isn’t motivated by fear.

It’s fear. Fear and pretending not to be afraid.

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The entire conservative ethos is built on fear.

Fear that the evil gubbermint is going to take away their arsenals and prevent them from protecting themselves from the hordes of outsiders who are threatening their way of life, taking their job and raping and killing their family.



I used to work with a guy who claimed he always carried a gun when he was at home. Not sure if that’s more fear or wanting to legally murder someone though.

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