‘No Way To Prevent This,’ Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens - Gun Violence in America

They wouldn’t have released the name of the shooter if he was white.

But of course you gotta get the Islamophobia going.



My wife is in Atlanta and staying right next to this Publix, they were concerned about bombs in the area too.




I’m on a webinar on school security and this is where we’re at:

This is a school office reception area, not a bank teller window.

Does any other first (or 2nd, in the case of USA) world nations have to do this in their fucking schools to try to keep kids from getting shot? (Hint: it doesn’t really keep kids from getting shot, but it makes people feel better).

You never know when someone might try to rob

checks notes

A fucking middle school?


I don’t think anyone is scared of school getting robbed, it’s the fear of being the next school shooting site with X dead toddlers. Which is guaranteed to happen again (and again and again) in the absence of gun control.

I get it. My comment was based purely on the looks of what is going on there. It looks like a literal bank or check cashing store


At my kids school you have to get buzzed in basically to get into the main part of the school

Looks like were back to normal. Another 9 shot and 2 dead in Virginia Beach

Now is the time to cluck our tongues over the encroaching police state taking our assault rifles.

I fucking hate this country quite often. I get my privelidge of living here, but the absolute obsession with guns from some 40% of the population, the outrageously stupid war on drugs that costs people their freedoms and livelihoods, the unabashed abuse of power and grifting by like 80% of our elected officials.

It’s all so fucking gross


The benefits of living in the US have nothing to do with terrible parts of American culture. I think the US is just riding a tide of accumulated wealth and prosperity that allows the country to run as a gun obsessed police state kleptocracy. They’re basically blowing their accumulated wealth on guns and militarized cops and billionaires instead of things that are worthwhile.

So much about this country only works because of all the great real estate we stole. Seriously this nations natural resources are absolutely insane.

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Yeah it is definitely security theater. My dad did this at his business in the 80s after a disgruntled truck driver murdered five people and hurt a host of others. Receptionist was behind bullet proof glass and the only way in was to be buzzed in.


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A cool thing about living in America is when someone gets fired at your place of work there’s a small chance they’re going to shoot everyone so you get to have that thought in your head for a while


Now imagine the person you fired was a now former friend who is also a (you’ve just learned from being in close contact with him for the last ten weeks) deeply unstable gun nut going through a really bad time in his life. I fired him for lots of excellent causes but I sure as fuck didn’t tell the unemployment people that. I still was looking over my shoulder for a few months.


Man, fuck that noise. I am 100% choosing a different sandwich shop or leaving my sandwich Ive already paid for behind in that scenario