‘No Way To Prevent This,’ Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens - Gun Violence in America

No, it’s to say that politicians/pundits etc arglebargling about the Muslim Menace can lead to spikes in discrimination towards and violence against Muslims/people that idiots mistake for Muslims, while being snide about white guys on a message board can lead to pretty much nothing.

Of course nothing that is said here actually matters. The same phenomenon was happening in spaces that actually matter, I’m sure.

To what possible consequence, do you think?

But apparently he was middle-eastern?


Middle-Eastern and taken alive?

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Doesn’t matter, he was mistaken by police for a cishet white male and his assumed privileged caused him to be shot in the leg rather than the head or torso.

This but unsarcastically


Increasing distrust of media, probably. You’re right that the potential real harm is almost certainly less, but it’s still a dumb thing to do. People shouldn’t do it!


sudden death

I generally agree, but I don’t think the backlash to the problem is the same or as bad as the problem.

In this case “the problem” is the race-baiting commonly exploited by conservatives to push a xenophobic agenda all in supposed name of safety from terrorism. Evidence of this problem is how little conservatives care when it’s a white person responsible for the terrorism.

Liberals hammering the point whenever there is a white person responsible for terrorism is not the problem. It’s the backlash to the problem which conservatives are responsible for. This both-sidesism which seemingly equates the two is just as bad when it’s about gun violence as it is in any other political topic.


Are you calling right-wing gun people the political enemy or white people generally? Because I think if you match it up with the generalizations about Muslims, it’s just white people generally. I don’t think most people here deny bias against right wing gun nuts.

Sometimes with white people it is terrorism and not mental illness.

Not all middle eastern people are brown, I’m guessing you only knew about his families background because of the name?

Also I think he’s American, one of the articles said his family has lived in Colorado for 20 years and he’s 21.

My problem is with people who don’t actually try to figure out if is terrorism or not. Necessarily you have to know something about the perpetrator’s mindset and motivations, but you’ll get people saying terrorism before anything is known about the crime.

The solution to the problem of unprincipled Republicans saying every bit of violence Muslims commit is terrorism isn’t to reflexively call violence committed by whites terror, the remedy is to point out that hypocrisy and how they inconsistently label violence as terror. Dylan Roof isn’t considered to be a terrorist but that Muslim Army doctor who shot up a bunch of soldiers literally in the process of deploying to war is considered a terrorist. Hell, Iraqis targeting US soldiers occupying their country were labeled “terrorists”. But reflexively saying something is right wing white supremacist terror without actually knowing the details is kind of like having cops shoot more white people to even out the racial disparities in policing.


I am willing to try this.

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That’s the thing, though. Hypocrisy and inconsistency are not things they try to avoid when attacking enemies. Those are useful tools to that endeavor, not violations of sacrosanct principles.

I don’t actually want cops to kill more white people, but to get back to the original subject: Weaponizing reflexive accusations of terrorism against white conservatives is mostly masturbatory, but to the extent that there’s any hope of changing conservative minds, I think the more likely approach is to weaponize their own bullshit against them until it leads to disarmament talks compared to rationally calling out the hypocrisy. Calling conservatives hypocrites is like calling Insane Clown Posse fans juggalos. That’s their brand.


This is crazy. Hypocrisy discredits them and people can see through it. And if you respond to their hypocrisy with your own hypocrisy then people will see that and you’ll be discredited.

This is an issue where you give Manchin what he wants. Way more important things to get done.

Ah, I see you’ve been in a coma since 2015. Let me fill you in on the last 6 years.