‘No Way To Prevent This,’ Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens - Gun Violence in America

They don’t care

Most people don’t pay attention or don’t care.

I can even recommend some people!

Some people care. And dishonest propaganda is wrong even if it’s in service to a goal you think is worthwhile. And probably less effective than good faith argument since most of your political enemies probably aren’t as dumb as some imagine.

No. It’s the right thing to say, and it’s the right thing to do, but it won’t happen.

Well, the US government already allows me to have an in-sink, food waste disposal system, and that’s a pretty destructive device.


I think you can buy a .50 BMG rifle same as any other rifle. Which is to say, same day with a background check. If you wanted a machine gun you’d have to apply for a special licence. You can buy a tank with a working main gun but I think you have to like fill out some sort of form first.

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The Vegas shooter hit 471 people.

As others have mentioned, Sandy Hook broke me. A school full of dead 6 year olds and Republicans just shrugged and moved on. They’re evil people.


For both Columbine and Sandy Hook, the NRA was seen as the defining obstacle. Now they’re dead and it still doesn’t matter.

You can get a Barrett 50 cal rifle in most states without too much fuss.

This guy is a great Twitter follow.



must be nice to be in the land of the free can’t install one of those devices in new homes here in British Columbia



Gay marriage? Ban it.
Trans girls in sports? Ban them.
Black people voting? Block them.
Central Americans crossing the border? Ban them and build a wall.
Muslims coming here? Ban them.
Mass shootings? Oh, come on now, you can’t think that a ban would do anything, do you?


Was gonna go with abortion, but yeah all this too.

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Yeah, forgot that one. Porn is another current one. I mean, really. Imagine trying to ban porn and then telling people that bans don’t work on guns.

If enough people express “thoughts and sympathies” in response to mass shootings, can we induce outrage over “why won’t they say prayers”?

No, because Republicans support your performative words instead of meaningful action.

But Republicans support distracting people from what matters with performative outrage over meaningless things?

I guess? But like, either way, it seems like a horrible strategy.

It’s not a strategy trying to get anything done. It’s a suggestion for trolling conservatives.