‘No Way To Prevent This,’ Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens - Gun Violence in America

Given how conservatives think, it’s clear that the only thing that might get them to change is to make them feel a sufficient level of pain. That’s just how they are. Trying to reason with them is pointless.

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I don’t understand. There are so many new gun owners that you can hardly buy ammo. I was told that this would reduce gun violence.

There’s already pretty broad support for gun legislation, it just never translates into any political will.

Our country is so broken that Bill Kristol manages to accidentally be right about things.



NY Post is saying that police have identified the suspect as a 21-year old:

Daily Beast has an interview with an older brother suggesting that the suspect has been mentally ill for a number of years:

NY Post story has some pictures that make him look like the oldest 21-year old I’ve ever seen.

And the GOP pivots to calling this terrorism in 3… 2… 1…


It’s already started:

The guys name is going to colour the entire discussion.



And another one.


Gonna guess this guy doesn’t get the “had a bad day” treatment.


He also killed a cop. I’m pretty shocked he got brought in alive tbh.

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You know what I mean by that. eyebooger’s quip conveys the same thing much better than mine:

I ain’t no yank!

Republicans demoninzing Muslim or Muslim sounding mass shooting perpetrators with smears against Islam, without actually bothering to figure out what is going on, is bad and harmful. It also isn’t good for others to jump to conclusions about white guy shooters without understanding what happened. It’s the same thing.

It’s also dumb to obsess over one cop’s inartful paraphrase of the shooter’s motivations. It literally doesn’t matter at all. The treatment the Atlanta killer got is he’s being charged with multiple counts of murder and will spend the rest of his life in a maximum security prison, with his stay possibly ending with an execution. I doubt how a random police spokesman paraphrased him will really positively impact his experience going forward.



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It may be the same failing of rigour, but it takes place in a different context and has wildly different potential consequences. And while it may not be at all predictive of how his case will be handled by the justice system, noting differences between how the actions of different suspects are described can be illuminating about the system as a whole.

Which is to say, one side will be attacked for that failing of rigour because they are political enemies, but the same failing will be ignored by those on your political team because they are employing that tactic in service of an objective you think is worthwhile.

It’s easy to lose perspective in America because everything is batshit here, but the cops acting as inartful stenographers for a mass killer is absolutely fucking wild.

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