‘No Way To Prevent This,’ Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens - Gun Violence in America

Firing at officers but still captured alive. The magic of being a white guy.


Hate to say it, but even with COVID the US was cruising along unfortunately. I’m totally surprised by this and assumed mass shootings would be down.

Gun violence and gun crime has, in particular, risen drastically, with over 19,000 people killed in shootings and firearm-related incidents in 2020. That’s the highest death toll in over 20 years, according to data from the Gun Violence Archive (GVA), an online site that collects gun violence data, and the Britannia Group’s non-partisan site procon.org.

This total includes victims of homicides and unintentional deaths but does not include gun suicides. And despite there being no “large-scale” shootings in 2020, the number of mass shootings—which are classified as an incident in which four or more people are shot and injured or killed—has actually risen, drastically, to over 600, the most in the past 5 years and a nearly 50% increase in 2019’s total.

JFC, 19K not including suicides is a ridiculous fucking number.

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Kind of incredible given the lack of mass shootings in 2020 due to the pandemic shutting down a lot of large gatherings.

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Covid was 24/7 in the news for a year. Not surprised.

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This is insane. This country is so broken. Nothing will happen, episode 4,683.

Imagine trying to explain to someone with no prior knowledge why we allow this shit to keep happening.


It’s called freedom you damn commie.

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Correction, KILLED an officer

I’m just so fucking sick of this.

Our daughter and friends who go to CU are all OK, but she said she used to shop at that store when she lived at her previous apartment. We will encourage her to see her therapist. Our friend the libertarian lives in the area, but I’m sure this will do nothing to sway his opinion on guns.

19000 people, and I thought it was a quiet year. That’s quite a bizarre inversion of reality. But here I am in the thread that sparks up when mass shootings occur. It seems like it should be a bigger story that gun deaths were way up during the pandemic. Maybe it was/is, and I’m just out of touch.


You’re right it defintely hasn’t been a story. We’d rather focus on some poor brown people trying to enter the country, or Biden’s media availability, or the orange fuhrer, or idiot racist shitbags in diners talking about commies and Obama

Sandy Hook broke me and I’m just numb to this shit at this point. Which is even sadder. But I mean we couldn’t pass the most simple shit after Sandy Hook, when can we ever?


We are even past the stage when Republicans act concerned and talk about willingness to pass common sense gun reform in the wake of one of these (the bicker about details until it goes away). Now it’s just silence.

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They might have something to say if there was ever such a thing as “antifa gunmen”.

Something like a gunman shooting at Republican congress members during a baseball game? I’m sure that would do it.

Nah, they don’t care about Scalise. He’s so moderate that he openly supported Marjorie Taylor Greene’s primary opponent. He’s practically a Democrat!

Looks like someone had a bad day.


I’ve done it…a lot.

This would not trigger* support for gun control. This would create the necessary broad support for concentration camps for dangerous radical liberals.
