‘No Way To Prevent This,’ Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens - Gun Violence in America

That is an A+ neckbeard he’s got going on

To go with the impeccably smooth-skinned mustache area

Hmmm wonder why that law enforcement officer was sympathetic to this kid




I would say it’s mind-blowing, but it’s not anymore.


Fucking hell


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Lolololololllll never mind the mega racist Facebook posting I guess



Sounds like Frank is having a bad day as well.

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So what about the white woman who was shot? Your post is essentially racist/sexist towards Asian women, no?


People noted for having a bad day yesterday:
:ballot_box_with_check: The murderer
:ballot_box_with_check: The racist cop
:black_square_button: The 8 murdered women




Don’t forget about the people who went to his church.

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The gunman reportedly sat in his car for over an hour outside before entering the business and allegedly shooting to death four people inside: two Asian women, a white woman, and a white man.

Not sure Sean is pleading the case super well here but that “white supremacy” post is not a good post. Does anyone seriously think that if this guy lived in an area where all the brothels (edit: or massage parlours or whatever these were) contained white women, that he would be in no danger of committing the attack? The motivating factors here are misogyny and demonic levels of sexual repression. Saying that it’s white supremacy because this guy was (presumably) into Asian women is perilously close to saying that a sexual preference for Asian women in general constitutes racism.

The other thing is that there are harmful stereotypes about BDSM woven into the post. What we know about this guy is that he was fighting a losing battle trying to repress his own sexuality:

According to a CNN police source, his parents recently kicked him out of their house due to his sexual addiction, which included frequently watching online porn for hours.

As with many of these attacks, he’s taking internal demons and deciding that the only way to defeat them is to externalise them. His next attack was going to be on porn more directly:

According to [the Mayor of Atlanta], he was traveling to Florida with the intention of carrying out additional shootings; [Sheriff] Reynolds said he was plotting to attack “some type of porn industry”.

The post says he had “fantasies about dominating Asian women” but there is no evidence of this. It’s just a hidden assumption that sexual domination and shooting women are inextricably linked. In reality this is more like an incel shooting where the motivating drive is intolerable feelings of inadequacy, where the perpetrator refuses to accept that the problem lies with them and decides the external world is somehow responsible.

I think fetishizing Asian women is at least pretty darn close to racism, particularly if the fantasy is them serving you as opposed to finding them attractive as an equal sexual partner.


SUMMON @clovis8


People sure try hard to come up with any reason besides racism when a white guy commits a mass murder. I’m not saying he couldn’t have had other reasons for doing what he did, but if his skin was another color, he’s immediately a [fill in the blank] terrorist who targeted people for their race/religion.

To be clear, my point was that SK was implying that the women working there were engaging in the activity that the shooter alleged with this comment: “Man that guy who got shot but lived is going to have some explaining to do.”…

Since there was also a white women shot, we can certainly question that assumption. For all we know, this place was totally legit. The insinuation otherwise, seems to be in really poor taste.