‘No Way To Prevent This,’ Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens - Gun Violence in America

Isn’t that because most publicized mass murders committed by white men aren’t motivated primarily by racism?

Just thinking of some examples:

  1. McVeigh
  2. Bundy
  3. Dahmer
  4. Columbine bros
  5. Aurora CO movie theater dude with red hair
  6. Giffords shooter
  7. MSD (although maybe he was Hispanic)
  8. Most school shooters generally?

The kid in SC that shot up the AME church. Major racism. Other than that I’m coming up blank.

Las Vegas shooter wasn’t racist afaict

I mean, I laughed, but kink-shaming and fetishizing are different things. Kinks are things that consenting peer adults can engage in. Fetishizing another person usually if not always means objectifying them rather than treating them as a whole person. I’m not sure my language is terribly precise here, but I hope you can see what I’m getting at.

Rabbit hole time.

The CVR then recorded the cockpit door opening and flight attendant Deborah Neil telling the cockpit crew, “We have a problem!”, to which Captain Lindamood replied, “What’s the problem?” A shot was heard as Burke shot Neil dead and announced “I’m the problem.” He then fired two more rounds. Most likely, he shot Lindamood and Nunn once each, incapacitating them, if not outright killing them. Several seconds later, the CVR picked up increasing windscreen noise as the airplane pitched down and accelerated. The remains of the flight data recorder(FDR) indicated Burke had pushed the control column forward into a dive or that one of the shot pilots was slumped over it.

The plane crashed into the hillside of a cattle ranch at 4:16 p.m. in the Santa Lucia Mountains between Paso Robles[15] and Cayucos. The plane was estimated to have crashed slightly faster than the speed of sound, at around 770 mph (1,240 km/h), disintegrating instantly. Based on the deformation of the hardened steel black box data recorder case, the aircraft experienced a deceleration of 5,000 times the force of gravity (G-force) when it hit the ground.

Ah I knew there was another one.

I’m not sure how you’re drawing your lines exactly, but there’s a shit load of racist violence committed by white men. Tulsa massacre, lot of stuff like lynchings between Reconstruction and the Civil Rights Era, etc. I’m tired and going to bed, but there’s a lot.

Well, sure, if you go back to like KKK stuff.

My line was contemporary mass killings by white men. That was the uh topic of discussion?

Missed this one but yeah another in column of deranged random mass murder white dude.

Luby’s killer, duh.

McDonald’s dude:

Referring to the mental health clinic’s failure to return his phone call the previous day, he said, “Well, society had their chance.”


Pretty consistent. Even more than I suspected.

Why is the American press not reporting on the eyewitness who says the murderer shouted “I am going to kill all Asians”? Yes the article first appeared in a Korean paper, but it has been 2 days now, that’s plenty of time to cover it.


I saw that and it seemed dubious. This is translated from Korean:

The Atlanta Hankook Ilbo, a local Korean media, reported that a surviving Gold Massage Spa employee A, contacted four nearby Korean businesses and testified that “a white man committed a crime after saying that he would kill all Asians’.”

So what we have is Korean papers citing a report from a local outlet - which they don’t link and I can’t find - saying that they heard that OTHER people were told that some guy CLAIMING to be an employee of the massage parlour said HE heard that the shooter said “kill all Asians”. This is like fifth-hand reporting and probably isn’t being reported on because it was made up somewhere along the line.

By the way, here is the paragraph above that in the Korean report:

Long’s motives are not yet known, but local authorities are putting their weight on hate crimes targeting Asians. The actual suspect was confirmed to have shown strong hostility by blaming China for the spread of Corona 19. Long posted on Facebook such as “China is trying to cover up Corona 19,” “Killing 500,000 Americans is part of (China)'s plan to take the initiative in the 21st century.” In addition, China was defined as “the greatest evil of our time” and showed no resentment.

This is false:

To me this is just another example of how hard it is to budge a dominant narrative once it takes hold, there was a lot of ink spilled about “anti-Asian racism” directly after the attack, and now that another motive seems super obvious, people won’t let go of their initial takes. If he’d made it to Florida and shot up some porn studio before any news broke, the starting narrative would have been quite different.

I see what you’re getting at, but I think the fetishization and objectification are separate issues here. People can and do turn people into sex objects without the involvement of any particular kink. Fetish roleplaying of taboo scenarios is common in consensual kink. Like a particularly common form of fetish roleplay is daddy/babygirl, so if we’re not going to freak out about something that repellant in real life, I’m not sure acting out racial stereotypes makes the grade. “I think form of sexual expression X is gross therefore let’s pathologize it” and “let’s assume people think the same way in everyday life as they do in sex” are not ideas with a proud history. In fact what people enjoy in bed is often orthogonal to how they behave in real life - the CEO who secretly loves getting dommed is a cliche at this point.

This is probably a dumb question, but is it confirmed that these massage parlors were the Robert Kraft kind of massage parlor and that the shooter frequented them?

NYT reports that he did visit at least two of the massage parlours. It’s not known if they offered sexual services - the authorities considered them legit businesses. Like they held massage therapy licenses and so on. Maybe you could get happy endings, also some chance this guy’s sexuality was so screwed up that he was tortured by guilt even getting a rubdown from an attractive woman.

Edit: Although according to a former roommate of his at some sex addiction rehab place, the shooter did claim to have procured sexual services at massage places.

Thanks. That’s what I was looking for.

This might be the local Atlanta Korean outlet:

Local Koreans are concerned that the crime is not an Asian hate crime. After the incident, a gold spa employee A contacted four nearby Korean businesses and told him that a white man had committed the crime after saying that he would kill all Asians. In fact, the acquaintance Lee said that the police also visited a nearby Korean business, notified of the possibility of an Asian hate crime, and recommended that the door be closed immediately.