‘No Way To Prevent This,’ Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens - Gun Violence in America

There are two people dead and at least 14 others injured following a mass shooting at a backyard party in Rochester, New York, overnight, according to the Rochester Police Department.

Talk to me when 100-200 are killed. THAT’S newsworthy. This is just a normal day.

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Ya it took nearly a day for me to notice this one. So sad. :(

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How was this not in Florida?





Unsurprising… Ohio is the Florida of the midwest.

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This fucking guy

Not a problem. When the IRS shows up he’ll just shoot them.

I do not even care to read the article to be honest.


The child found the gun, a pistol, after it fell out of a family member’s pocket, according to the press release.

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They said brokely with a slight twinge of hope… would the grift that kept on giving return to them or had Mars totally forsaken them?

lol, take what, exactly? The NRA is bankrupt.

Their tattered shreds of dignity?

Shooter at a mall in Wisconsin

A few people at work were discussing how all the ammo was sold out so they couldn’t buy any. I love my job!

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Supposedly my pillow guy and Ricky Schroeder put the fund over the top.

Odds he jumps bail now?

8 shot, shooter got away, no word on injuries. Shooter was a white male in his 20s or 30s.
