New Moderator Confirmation Votes: goofyballer and marty

I see no problems with modding this guy again.

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Not really. Go look at the other thread and see who seconded their nominations if youā€™re interested.

yeah all those people should be banned

An admin is still a member of the community. I donā€™t think there is any problem with you giving an opinion on issues like this, especially when youā€™ve gone to great lengths to indicate this post is made with your poster hat on. No reason for you not to continue on as an admin.


Again all of my lols here. Other, sane people can have this take. You canā€™t. You fucked around and found out.

Mike Pence is calling on Joe Biden to resign and have a new election, because losing hurt Donald Trumpā€™s feelings.

This process is designed to only make mods of people willing to serve the community temporarily and who will have super majority support of the forum as a whole. As stated in the prior thread, we are under no pressing need to have additional mods starting on 9/1. There will be another opportunity to add additional mods starting 11/1, and until then we have the current slate of mods:

@PocketChads: Appointed 3/7/2021. End of term 11/1/2021. Next eligible re-election 1/1/2022.

@Nononocantsleep: Appointed 7/18/2021. End of term 3/1/2022. Next eligible re-election 5/1/2022.

@otatop: Appointed 7/18/2021. End of term 3/1/2022. Next eligible re-election 5/1/2022.

@Rugby: Appointed 7/18/2021. End of term 3/1/2022. Next eligible re-election 5/1/2022.

I fucked around and found out? lol? What did I find out, exactly?

What if this interpretation of events has majority support?

Iā€™ll continue laughing at the pearl clutching hypocrites? At least until mod Goofy grabs me right by the pussy.

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Technically, they nominated themselves AND got 10 votes of confidence in the form of hearts on their posts.

I have a good relationship (i think) with both parties. But i am really fucking dissapointed that anyone thinks this is a good idea.

This is just a recipe for upping the level of drama by a factor of 10.

We have 3 mods who are so far staying out of the fray. Let us get on with it for a months and see the impact first. Please.


I think those in favor of no/no have made some good arguments and so I have changed from yes/yes to no/no. I agree that the new mod team has done well, so giving them a couple months and adding 1-2 new mods to the team in November seems like a great plan.


Pretty incredible how quickly the people who were eager to implement this system want to turn on it.

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I think they are arguing to vote no on both? Seems within the system to me.

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Iā€™d counter this by saying this is working exactly how I envisioned it so far. Anyone can volunteer and receive an up/down vote, the community is discussing and reaching a consensus on the best path for the mod team, and there is a consistent timetable to repeat this process every two months to change course when it benefits the forum.

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Ill even go so far as to ask @goofyballer and @marty to reconsider withdrawing.

Just stay out of it for a bit. Let things calm down. Allow some consistency in the rules and standards.



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Havenā€™t voted, but leaning this way as well.

I think that yes/yes has the highest ceiling for goodwill, but it seems unlikely. Thereā€™s too much of a possibility that this is throwing gasoline on a fire.

Iā€™d possibly be for a two week trial run, but locking this in for six months seems dangerous.

This being said, I donā€™t have any personal beef with either of them. I just want the stupid bullshit to stop. Iā€™m just very skeptical that this is the avenue to do so.

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Great edit. Iā€™m calling for mod action/ban on the original post please. Feel free to ban me if my flagged post is bannable. @moderators

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What sort of ban length do you think is called for here?