New Moderator Confirmation Votes: goofyballer and marty

Link to thread for the banner

@goofyballer and @marty have each been nominated to serve a 6 month term as moderator, which would begin once confirmed and serve through 3/1/22. A 2/3 majority vote is required to confirm a moderator per the current moderator appointment rules. Each poll should be viewed as an individual confirmation, as a result of 0, 1, or 2 new moderators for this term are all possible. These polls will close at Noon CT on August 25th, at which time results will be official.

Do you support confirming goofyballer to a 6 month term as moderator?
  • Yes
  • No
0 voters
Do you support confirming marty to a 6 month term as moderator?
  • Yes
  • No
0 voters

Sorry for the deleted threads. I messed up the polls the first time. @spidercrab or @anon46587892 can you make this a banner when you have a chance? Thanks!

No. If two people are shit at flying, having them work together on a plane wonā€™t make them better pilots.


Yes/no and no/yes voters are feuding. Some people just want this place to burn.

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So i think goofy was a good mod, and i personally like him and he thinks iā€™m funny and he bought me beer. But heā€™s been a pretty shitty poster for the last few months (iā€™m not sure even he will argue otherwise but maybe iā€™m wrong).

Similar thoughts on marty, who while i respect that he was genuinely offended by the modding here, was pretty short tempered to say the least.

In general i think anyone who wants to mod and i donā€™t think has bad intentions should be given a term iā€™m not sure iā€™ll start off with goofy and marty.

I wonā€™t vote yet as iā€™ll read more opinions. Either way it will be yes/yes or no/no from me dawgs.


Havenā€™t both these guys been banned multiple times this year for causing problems? Why should either be moderator if they canā€™t color inside the lines?

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Currently no/no but might change to yeses later. Regarding Marty, I think thereā€™s something to be said for someone who has been highly critical of mods now being ā€˜forcedā€™ (obv he volunteered, just not sure what other word to use here) to experience the other side of it as a mod. I donā€™t know if our community is stable enough to handle any potential fireworks but I think it should absolutely happen at some point (because basically everyone should rotate through unless theyā€™re opening intending to be unfair or malicious).

I donā€™t like the joint mod account idea but I think Iā€™m either a no on both or a yes on both. I think modding only goofy and not a ā€œcaptainā€ would be a mistake.


Call for nominations/volunteers are open for 4 days while RFCs take weeks. Itā€™s almost like this place is set up to burn


Youā€™re correct, it would be better if we could get RFCs through at this pace too. Maybe start an RFC to speed them up?

Goofy has been stirring shit and trying to burn the forum ever since he rage quit from his first modding stint. We should probably have any of his posts during that period that were deleted as personal attacks recreated ITT by an admin or mod before anybody makes any final decisions about how appropriate it is to hand him the keys again.


Itā€™s hard to take this place seriously anymore.

To be clear that is not a value judgement. If you all want a non serious place to hang out thatā€™s cool.

I voted yes/yes

Both are long time contributors to this forum, both have volunteered their service to this forum, and both have stated they intend to try to better the forum with this service. I think the best way to try to work through some of the disagreements that have happened here is to give them both a shot.

I think @marty and @goofyballer could both help contribute by voting yes on each otherā€™s polls.


I donā€™t really have an opinion but having the vote in the banner seems like a bad idea. I mean we should at least pretend that theyā€™re actually reading the debate before voting, shouldnā€™t we? I donā€™t know who marty is at all and I had no idea about goofy being banned multiple times until I actually scanned through some of this thread.

Votes are always in the OP (itā€™s harder to find the polls otherwise) and you can always change your vote if reading the thread changes your mind.

I have no personal beef with either but their recent posting is enough to push me towards a double no.

Marty told a few people to fuck off, and is pretty much an open book about how he really feels about things. If you want to know, just ask him. But if he has had posts deleted, sure go ahead.


Easy double yes. The perfect punishment for disruptive jerks is to put them in charge.


I get that, I mean like the banner at the top of every page. you can vote without even loading this thread.

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@Marty is part of the euro contingent, right? If Iā€™m wrong, I apologize. But one part of my yes vote is because I think it would be ideal to have mods from all representative areas of the forum. Letā€™s say someone does great posting in the UK or Canada thread, for example, but all I ever see is when they get flagged for acute frustrations elsewhere. Iā€™m not really in a good position to judge their holistic contribution to this site.