New Moderation Policy: Posting personal information will get you permanently banned

Sure, buddy.

It’s not too late man I know you’re better than this.

“Chads” was literally posted yesterday after you tried to ruin the forum again by bumping the About Moderation thread. I’m sorry the pandemic ruined your brain (and I’m sorry if it’s now against the rules to allude to the fact that you are a human who lives on the earth where there was a pandemic on said earth) but you have lost the ability to think clearly about any of this anymore.

Do you seriously want and need a big fucking hint about how that actually proves my/our point or do you want the pleasure of figuring it out on your own?

Would be cool if people could respect what others wish to be referred to as… other than that….


Yeah, we could, but that is an affront to the people who are mainly here to be an asshole to their enemies.

Maybe not if you live in a country that recognizes the right to be forgotten.

Yeah, that occurred to me but the servers are in the US and the website’s presumably registered there so EU (and Swiss) law doesn’t apply I think.

That’s my understanding of it anyway.

There is a shadow on the road behind, there is a shadow on the road

6ix et al: This is all such dishonest nonsense. Look at Chad’s blog for example. I’m not even sure what the reason for the name change is, but, nobody is going to give a shit if somebody says “Chads” or there’s a blog named “Chad’s blog” because it would be absolutely insane to literally thought police people’s memories and the idea that everybody knows his name.

MrWookie, a serious man: Disagree. Look at Chad’s blog for example. I’m not even sure what the reason for the name change is, but, nobody is going to give a shit if somebody says “Chads” or there’s a blog named “Chad’s blog” because it would be absolutely insane to literally thought police people’s memories and the idea that everybody knows his name.


I’m here to have interesting conversations:

You seem unwilling or unable. And I don’t go to restaurants. Doesn’t leave much else.

Some of you don’t realize or don’t care how toxic you make this place.


can you really not see why some would not be so willing to extend the “no dick” rule of common courtesy to this one guy in this one situation considering what he’s directly responsible for in the forum?

That didn’t happen. GFY, creep.

Welcome back Jmakin. You won. Hooray!

That sounds like the sort of honest and nuanced question one human would ask another in an attempt to establish an honest and real human connection and I’ll kindly ask you to please refer to the “No Humans Allowed” sign.

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Do you mean me?

You mean creating it?

God in heaven you suck so fucking hard.

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What about banning somebody for asking for a clarification on a rule about referring to a person by an alias that they’ve known that person as for over a decade?

Man, if only there were a way to do that without flouting the rule and trolling the mod who made it?