New Moderation Policy: Posting personal information will get you permanently banned

It’s a big bad world

Consequence prepares you for it

How is this not an insta perma ban?

Because it wasn’t cuse’s real name ldo.

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Rest my case?


K, thx.

@CaffeineNeeded, this forum is now officially a support group for people like yourself, who would make replies with question marks whilst having the person they are replying to and questioning ignored. Those are not the serious thoughts and serious behaviors of serious people.

It appeared that SPE was intended to be this support group but I guess that’s not working out.

Regardless, you have won your pyrhicc victory. I’ll kindly ask that in the future if you wish to talk or reply to me then you should temporarily waive your support group rights.

If I wanted to converse with an entity with no history nor backstory nor inner-self nor complex motivations, I’d just talk to ChatGPT. That mf is a way better conversationalist than you.

Apparently mere fact is immaterial to the mods, who banned AQ anyway.

lol UP moderation

Oh you see, because we don’t have a rule against posting someone’s name (or in this case as jal keeps harping about a pun on their real name) if they’ve posted it themselves because they were in the middle of winning a WSOP bracelet and wanted people to sweat them.

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And again that’s incomplete information.

cuse first posted his real name a long time ago when he claimed ownership of a tweet.

So that makes it twice he’s happily told the whole forum and anyone else reading it what his real name is, and the connection between his cuse sn here and his real name and the commonwealth name is now firmly in the public domain thanks to him and only him.

So because he posted his name in the past, he has no right to have any sort of privacy in the future.

This is what jal actually believes

Nothing creepy about encyclopedic knowledge of when other users posted their names, just good wholesome foruming.

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You’re not a serious person interested in objectivity. Thanks for confirming.

If you disseminate your personal details across the internet then have second thoughts about it, it’s too late really, isn’t it?

That information is already out there because you chose to forego privacy, and an obscure forum deciding that posters shouldn’t reference one of your old UP screen names under which you released videos and posted on 2+2 and Exiled is just laughable.

You’re right, it’s too late if assholes get a hold of and weaponize your personal information. But somehow, someone here isn’t referred to by his old screen name and doesn’t have all the personal shit he posted reposted for him.

The problem isn’t the person who posted too much. It’s the assholes.

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You’re just confirming what I said was accurate.

You can feel free to not be an asshole at any time. But make no mistake, posting someone’s real name here repeatedly to fuck with them when asked not to makes you an asshole

That is quite the horrifying understanding you have of democracy and you should be glad we’re not on a politics discussion forum otherwise a vigorous debate might break out and lead to people’s feelings getting hurt.


I mean hot damn son if that’s what you meant by democracy I’d like to change my vote.

Barbara Streisand has a house in Malibu

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Probably because w/e it is you’re talking about preferred not to make their old screen name public information with their new screen name.

otoh if say people posted stuff about themselves, their real names and pics of themselves and their families they should have their identity protected but I wouldn’t say they have a right to it.

See how it works?