New Moderation Policy: Posting personal information will get you permanently banned

No of course I don’t think that and described it as shitty a few posts earlier if you look.




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Have you always lied this poorly or are you out of practice?

There’s something actually worthy of respect when somebody tells such poorly thought-through lies; it means they’re not an accomplished veteran liar and thus are not good at it.

That is a good reply but I would’ve also considered this:


He quite clearly did. Having subject-predicate-agreement delayed and spanning multiple posts isn’t supposed to be a magic trick.

Ah, I suppose this topic wasn’t that important after all. I got confused what with all the screeching and screeching.


“Ooooo that 6ix is so mean and no-good for saying we’re of low character for exercising comically blatant double standards in regards to general respect and in regards to the specific respect towards his and certain other people’s issues and concerns, we’ll show him how wrong he is…”

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Still fucking that chicken huh?

It’s a fair point, I must have forgotten about cuse publishing a schedule.

How is publishing your participation in scheduled televised events under your real name any different? If anything it’s even worse.

What is wrong with you?

I mean, like, medically, when your parents took you to the doctors what did the doctors tell them?


Teevee has their own moderators as far as I know.

His entire posting history is a testament to how you shouldn’t trust everything doctors say.


Nurse teachers are the real medical experts amirite?

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Dr John? Noo, that was just CN’s projection. You won’t find a single (serious) post where I stanned for him yet you come with preformed opinions.

Abusive ER docs are the go to for Covid advice, amirite?

I will kindly ask you to not bring up old bickering in the New Moderation Policy thread.